Urban Design
The Urban Design tool enables you to create an urban scenario with its own roads, junctions and traffic lights.
To add urban design objects:
1. On the Tools tab, in the Draw Tool group, click Urban Design. The Urban Design toolbar is displayed.
Urban Design Draw Tool
2. On the Urban Design toolbar, select the required drawing object.
§ Road
§ Junction
§ Traffic Light
3. In the property sheet, set the object parameters.
4. In the 3D Window, use the mouse to create the object.
Roads Object Parameters
Urban Design - Build Roads Tool Property Sheet
Parameter |
Activity |
Road Style |
Select one of the available road styles from the dropdown list. |
Road Width |
Set the road’s width in meters. |
Tree Type |
You can add trees by the road from the types of trees available: None, Style A - F or Random. |
Position |
Set the trees’ position to be on Both Sides, Right, Left or Center. |
Spacing |
Set the spacing between the road and the trees in meters. |
Distance from Road |
Set the tree’s distance from the road in meters. |
Pole Type |
Add a pole by the road from 4 different types of poles available: Style A - D |
Position |
Set the pole’s position to be on Both Sides, Right or Left Side. |
Spacing |
Set the spacing of the pole(s) from the road in meters. |
Distance from Road |
Set the distance of the poles(s) from the road in meters. |
Junctions Object Parameters
Draw Tool - Urban Design
Parameter |
Activity |
Style |
Select from one of the junction types. |
Traffic Lights Object Parameters
Draw Tool - Urban Design
Parameter |
Activity |
Traffic Light |
Select from one of the traffic light types. |
Deleting Urban Design Objects
To delete an urban design object from the 3D Window:
1. On the Urban Design toolbar, click Delete .
2. In the 3D Window, click the object you want to delete.
Editing Urban Design Objects
To edit an urban design object:
1. On the Urban Design toolbar, click Edit .
2. In the 3D Window, click the object you want to edit. The object's property sheet is displayed.
3. Modify the object's parameters as required.