Create Power Lines

This tool creates a power line by placing power poles along a user-defined path and connecting them with power lines.

The output of a create power line operation is either a group of TerraExplorer objects or a Point layer that can be saved to a local data source (Shapefile format) and loaded as a Streaming or Entire layer.

Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated

Power Lines Dialog

To use the Create Power Lines tool:

1.     On the Tools tab, in the Draw Tool group, click Power Lines. The Create Power Lines dialog is displayed.

2.     Select the Create as option:




Create a group with objects.

Layer (Entire)

Create feature layer under the application AppData.

Layer (Streaming)

Create streaming feature layer under the application AppData.

3.     Enter the following parameters:




Select the required creation method:

§  Pole every waypoint – To add a single pole on every left-click on the terrain.

§  Fixed distance between poles – To add several poles between clicks with a fixed distance between each pole.

Pole Type

§  Pole Type A creates a power line with two connecting wires.

§  Pole Type B and Pole Type C create a power line with three connecting wires.

Distance between poles

This field is enabled when the Fixed distance between poles method is selected.

Segments in sections

The number of segments for connected power lines between two poles.

Maximum Line Depth

The height difference of the connected power lines between the highest and lowest points.

Visibility Distance

Set the visibility distance of the objects.

Line Color

The color of the drawn power line.

4.     Select one of the following methods of designating the power lines to be created:



Follow Line

Create power lines along a line.

Click Follow Line. Then in the 3D Window, left-click to place the line waypoints, and right-click to complete the line

Selected Group

Create power lines along all polylines in a selected group or layer.

Select the required group or layer from the Project Tree and then click Selected Group.

Note:    Only first level polylines in an existing group are included.

From Clipboard

Create power lines along a clipboard object.

Note:    Power lines are only created for polyline clipboard objects.

Click From Clipboard.

5.     If you want to edit additional parameters, right-click the Power Line group/layer in the Project Tree and select Properties.