Create Pipelines

This tool creates 3D pipelines long a user-defined path. The output of a create pipeline operation is either a group or a point feature layer, with pipe and connector objects. Both outputs can be saved to local data sources (Shapefile format) and loaded as Streaming or Entire layers.

Note:    The pipelines tool does not support multipart features.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Create Pipelines Dialog

To create pipelines:

1.     On the Tools tab, in the Draw Tool group, click Pipelines. The Create Pipelines dialog is displayed.

2.     Select the Create as option:




Create a group with objects.

Layer (Entire)

Create feature layer under the application AppData.

Layer (Streaming)

Create streaming feature layer under the application AppData.

3.     Enter the following parameters:



Pipe Radius

Type the desired radius.

Pipe Color

Select the required color.

Visibility Distance

Set the visibility distance of the objects.

4.     Select one of the following methods of designating the pipelines to be created:



Follow Line

Create pipelines along a line.

Click Follow Line. Then in the 3D Window, left-click to place the line waypoints, and right-click to complete the line

Selected Group

Create pipelines along all polylines in a selected group or layer.

Select the required group or layer from the Project Tree and then click Selected Group.

Note:    Only first level polylines in an existing group are included.

Note:    The pipelines tool does not support multipart polylines.

From Clipboard

Create pipelines along a clipboard object.

Note:    Pipelines are only created for polyline clipboard objects.

Click From Clipboard.

5.     If you want to edit additional parameters, right-click the pipeline group/layer in the Project Tree and select Properties.