What is the DirectConnect Service

The SkylineGlobe Server DirectConnect Service is a subsystem of the Terrain and Maps Services that enables the streaming of terrain data stored in terrain databases defined by the TerraBuilder project file (TBP), eliminating the need for time-consuming re-creation of complete MPT files. This is critical for projects whose source data is constantly being updated or modified. DirectConnect leverages cache technology and support for multi-core and multi-computer processing to provide scalability and accelerate the publishing of massive data sets.

SeeAbout DirectConnect” in the “DirectConnect” chapter for more information.


DirectConnect Service Features:

SkylineGlobe Server DirectConnect Service optimizes the project by referencing MPT source files, i.e., pre-processed optimized versions of the respective sources in their native formats, that can be served to the client without fuser processing. When specific sections of the database are updated, the referenced MPT source files can be easily updated or removed and new layer MPT’s referenced to show variations of the original information.

To configure the relevant settings of Terrain Service, seeDirectConnect Settings” in the “SkylineGlobe Server Settings” chapter.