Scanning Data Sources
When adding or editing a server-side data source, either SG Scanner type or from an Oracle Spatial, SQL Server, PostgreSQL or Esri ArcSDE database, SkylineGlobe Server scans the data folder or database and allows you to select which of its layers to publish. Whenever changes are made to this data source, it can be rescanned to update the server.See “Publishing New and Updated Layers from a Server-Side Data Source” in the “Working with Layers” chapter for information.
For more information on adding or editing a data source, see “Adding Data Sources” and “Editing Data Sources” in this chapter for more information.
To scan a previously added data source:
1. From the SkylineGlobe Server Manager menu, select Data Sources.
2. Right-click the row of the required data source, and click Scan Now.
Note: Scan Now is not available for data sources that are set for Auto-Scan. See “Adding Data Sources” (auto-scan parameter) in this chapter for information.
3. Click Scan Now. The data source is automatically re-scanned and the Scan Results are displayed with a list of all files found in the data source and their status (New, Existing, Deleted or Updated).
4. The leftmost column of the Scan Results table displays the default and recommended action for each of the layers, which directly correlates to the layer’s status:
§ No marking – Do not update SGS layers with this change (for previously scanned layers that were not modified).
§ P – Publish/update layer to SkylineGlobe Server (for new and updated layers).
§ X – Delete the SkylineGlobe layer (for deleted layers).
5. Modify the default actions as required, and click OK.