- _ITE3DWindowEvents
- abgrColor
- Acceleration
- Activate
- Add
- AddBIMDataSource
- AddContainer
- AddDataSource
- AddGeometry
- AddObject
- AddPoint
- AddRing
- AddWaypoint
- AimTo
- Align
- AllowDrag
- AllowResize
- AltitudeUnit
- Analysis (IAnalysis81)
- AnchorToView
- AngularStep
- Annotation
- Application (IApplication81)
- ApplyTo
- Asynchronous Requests
- AttachedToID
- AttachEvent
- AttachTo
- AttachTo3dWindow
- Attribute
- AutoDetach
- AutoRefreshInterval
- BeginCreation
- BestLOD
- BestMPP
- BlendMode
- BlockWidth
- Bold
- Boundary
- BringToFront
- Build
- CanAdd
- CanExecute
- CanSeek
- Cartesian
- CenterPixelToWorld
- ChangeAltitudeType
- ChooseCSDialog
- CircularRoute
- Client Data
- Clipboard (IClipboard81)
- Clone
- Close
- Code
- ColorOutsideOfRange
- Command (ICommand81)
- Connect
- ConnectAsync
- ConnectByCookie
- ConnectByCookieAsync
- ConnectionString
- Contains
- ContourLinesInterval
- Controlling the Camera
- ConvertCoordinateToMGRS
- ConvertMGRSToCoordinate
- Coordinate Systems
- CoordServices (ICoordServices81)
- Copy
- CopyItem
- CPUSaveMode
- Create3DArrow
- Create3DPolygon
- Create3DViewshed
- CreateAction
- CreateArc
- CreateArrow
- CreateAttribute
- CreateBox
- CreateBuilding
- CreateCircle
- CreateColor
- CreateCommandLineProcessAsync
- CreateCone
- CreateContourMap
- CreateCoordinateSystem
- CreateCylinder
- CreateDynamicObject
- CreateEffect
- CreateElevationLayer
- CreateElevationLayerAsync
- CreateEllipse
- CreateFeature
- CreateFeatureLayer
- CreateFeatureLayerAsync
- CreateFloodContinuousWaterRise
- CreateFloodSingleWaterRise
- CreateGeometryFromWKB
- CreateGeometryFromWKT
- CreateGroup
- CreateHoleOnTerrain
- CreateImageLabel
- CreateImageLabelFromBuffer
- CreateImageryLayer
- CreateImageryLayerAsync
- CreateKMLLayer
- CreateLabel
- CreateLabelStyle
- CreateLinearRingGeometry
- CreateLineOfSight
- CreateLineStringGeometry
- CreateLocation
- CreateLocationHere
- CreateLockedGroup
- CreateMeshLayerFromFile
- CreateMeshLayerFromSGS
- CreateMeshLayerFromSGSAsync
- CreateMessage
- CreateModel
- CreateMovie
- CreateMultiLineStringGeometry
- CreateMultiPolygonGeometry
- CreateNewFeatureLayer
- CreatePointCloudModel
- CreatePointCloudModelAsync
- CreatePointGeometry
- CreatePolygon
- CreatePolygonFromArray
- CreatePolygonGeometry
- CreatePolyline
- CreatePolylineFromArray
- CreatePopupMessage
- CreatePosition
- CreatePresentation
- CreatePyramid
- CreateRectangle
- CreateRegularPolygon
- CreateRouteWaypoint
- CreateScreenOverlay
- CreateSlopeMap
- CreateSphere
- CreateStep
- CreateTerrainModifier
- CreateTextLabel
- CreateThreatDome
- CreateTreeHotlink
- CreateVideoOnTerrain
- CreateViewshed
- CreateViewshedOnRoute
- Creating a C# Client Application
- Creating a Circle
- Creating a Complex Polygon
- Creating a Polygon
- Creating a Text Label
- Creating an HTML Client Application
- Creating an HTML Client Application with an ActiveX Component
- Creating an Image Label from Buffer
- Creating Client Applications
- Creator (ICreator81)
- Crosses
- CurrentlyPlayingActionId
- CurrentTimeBuffer
- Cursor
- DataFormat
- DataPath
- DataSourceFeatureID
- DataSourceWKT
- DateTime (IDateTime81)
- DeleteGeometry
- DeleteObject
- DeletePoint
- DeleteRing
- DeleteWaypoint
- DeltaAltitude
- DeltaPitch
- DeltaRoll
- DeltaX
- DeltaY
- DeltaYaw
- DetachEvent
- DetectCollisionToTarget
- Difference
- Dimension
- Direction
- DisablePresentationControl
- Disconnect
- DisconnectAsync
- Disjoint
- DisplayAs
- DisplayName
- DisplaySun
- DistanceTo
- Distributing Add-ons
- DrawCircle
- DrawDynamicObject
- DrawFeature
- DrawImageLabel
- DrawModel
- DrawPolygon
- DrawPolyline
- DrawRectangle
- DrawTextLabel
- DynamicAnnotationPlacement
- DynamicType
- Editing a Geometry Object
- EditItemEx
- EditItems
- EffectXML
- Elevation
- ElevationAngle
- ElevationBehavior
- ElevationOffset
- ElevationScale
- EnableDraw
- EnableJoystick
- EnableRedraw
- End
- EndAngle
- EndVisibilityQuery
- Envelope
- Equals
- ExecutablePath
- Execute
- ExecuteQueryAsync
- ExpandGroup
- ExportToWKB
- ExportToWKT
- ExtendToGround
- ExtrudeDownBack
- ExtrudeUpFront
- FactorToMeter
- Feature Layer Connection Strings
- Features
- FieldOfView
- FieldOfViewX
- FieldOfViewY
- Filter
- FindItem
- FirstChild
- FixedLocalTime
- Flat
- FlattenBelowTerrain
- FlyTo
- FocusToRender
- FontStyle
- FrameFileName
- Freeze
- FromABGRColor
- FromARGBColor
- FromArray
- FromBGRColor
- FromHTMLColor
- FromRGBColor
- FullScreen
- GeometryTypeStr
- GetActivationCode
- GetAimingAngles
- GetAlpha
- GetConnectedServer
- GetConnectedUser
- GetContainer
- GetControls
- GetCurrentFeatures
- GetDistance
- GetDistance3D
- GetFactorToMeterEx
- GetFeather
- GetFeatureAttribute
- GetFeatureByDataSourceFeatureID
- GetGroundHeightInfo
- GetGroupEndTime
- GetGroupLocation
- GetGroupMessageID
- GetGroupStartTime
- GetInputMode
- GetItem
- GetItemName
- GetItemPosition
- GetLayer
- GetLayerAsync
- GetMessageObject
- GetMouseInfo
- GetNetworkLink
- GetNextItem
- GetOptionParam
- GetPopupByCaption
- GetPopups
- GetPosition
- GetProjectParam
- GetRecommendedDistance
- GetSnapShot
- GetUserDisplayName
- GetValue
- GetVersion
- GetVisibility
- GetWaypoint
- HasPublishPermissionAsync
- HasZ
- HiddenGroupID
- HiddenGroupName
- HiddenTargets
- HideBelowImagery
- HideCompareBox
- HideCrossSectionBox
- HideMessageBarText
- HorizontalEndAngle
- HorizontalFOV
- HorizontalStartAngle
- How to Work with ActiveX Controls
- How to Work with the COM Interface
- HRESULT Return Values
- I3DMLFeatureLayer81
- I3DMLFeatureLayers81
- I3DMLFeatureProperties81
- I3DViewshed81
- IAction81
- IAttachment81
- IAttribute81
- IAttributes81
- IBBox2D81
- IBBox3D81
- IBuildingFace81
- IBuildingSides81
- IColor81
- ICommandLineProcessAsync81
- IContainerItem81
- IContainers81
- IContourMap81
- ICoord2D
- ICoord3D
- ICoordinateSystem81
- IDataSourceInfo81
- IDrawing81
- IFeature81
- IFeatureAttribute81
- IFeatureAttributes81
- IFeatureGroup81
- IFeatureGroups81
- IFeatureLayer81
- IFeatures81
- IFillStyle81
- IGeometry
- IGeometryCollection
- IGeometryCreator
- IgnoreAccelerators
- IgnoreZ
- IKMLLayer81
- ILabelStyle81
- ILinearRing
- ILineOfSight81
- ILineString
- ILineStyle81
- Imagery
- IMeshLayer81
- IMessageObject81
- IMouseInfo81
- Import
- ImportAll
- ImportFromWKB
- ImportFromWKT
- IMultiLineString
- IMultiple3DWindows81
- IMultiPolygon
- In-Process vs. Out-of-Process ActiveX Controls
- INetworkLink81
- Init
- InitFrom
- InitFromBMG
- InitFromEPSG
- InitLatLong
- InitParam
- InnerHTML
- InnerText
- InsertPoint
- InsertWaypoint
- InsideScreenRect
- IntensityBlend
- Interfaces
- InteriorRing
- Intersection
- Intersects
- IObjectTexture81
- IPoint
- IPointCloudDefaultLocation81
- IPoints
- IPolygon
- IPopupMessage81
- IPosition81
- IPresentation81
- IPresentationItem81
- IRings
- IRoofFace81
- IRouteWaypoint81
- IRouteWaypoints81
- IsAnnotation
- IsAttached
- IsAttributeExist
- IsChecked
- IsCompound
- IScreenOverlay81
- IScreenOverlayXY81
- IScreenPointInfo81
- IScreenRect81
- ISelection81
- IsEmpty
- IsEqual
- IsExpanded
- IsGeocentric
- IsGroup
- ISGWorld81
- IsLayer
- IsLayerOwnerAsync
- IsLeader
- IsLocked
- ISlopeMap81
- IsParentOf
- ISpatialOperator
- ISpatialRelation
- IsPlanar
- IsRadioGroup
- IsSame
- IsSimple
- IsTokenLoggedIn
- IsWktValid
- Italic
- ITE3DWindow
- ITE3DWindowEx
- ITEInformationWindow
- ITEInformationWindowEx
- ItemID
- ItemJSON
- ITENavigationMap5
- ITerraExplorerAsync81
- ITerraExplorerMessage81
- ITerraExplorerObject81
- ITerraExplorerObjects81
- ITerrain3DArrow81
- ITerrain3DPolygon81
- ITerrain3DRectBase81
- ITerrain3DRegBase81
- ITerrainArc81
- ITerrainArrow81
- ITerrainBuilding81
- ITerrainDynamicObject81
- ITerrainEffect81
- ITerrainEllipse81
- ITerrainHole81
- ITerrainImageLabel81
- ITerrainLabel81
- ITerrainLocation81
- ITerrainModel81
- ITerrainModifier81
Message objects in TerraExplorer are triggered when the user double-clicks on the Project Tree entry that represents the object or clicks the object in the 3D Window. The message object defines the content of the message and where it should be displayed when triggered. Currently, the client can choose either a simple text message, HTML page to be displayed (allowing virtually an unlimited set of messages such as sounds or animated GIFs) or a script message. Several objects can simultaneously own the same message object, meaning that the same message is displayed when clicking on those objects.
When using TerraExplorer Viewer, the properties for the message object are read-only.
Properties |
Gets and sets a Boolean that determines whether the message automatically appears in front of any other content that might already be present in the destination container. |
Gets and sets the location of the message on the screen. |
Gets the ID of the object. (Inherited from ITerraExplorerObject81) |
Gets an enum that identifies the type of the object. (Inherited from ITerraExplorerObject81) |
SaveInFlyFile |
Reserved. Do not use. |
Gets and sets a text message to be displayed when the message object is triggered. |
Gets and sets an enum that determines whether the message is text, script, or a URL. |
Gets and sets the URL of the file to be displayed. |
Gets and sets a Boolean that determines whether a container opens in Edge or Internet Explorer web browser. |
Methods |
Gets an array of text strings assigned to each object global namespace. (Inherited from ITerraExplorerObject81) |
GetParam |
Reserved. Currently not used. (Inherited from ITerraExplorerObject81) |
Sets an array of text strings assigned to each object global namespace. (Inherited from ITerraExplorerObject81) |
SetParam |
Reserved. Currently not used. (Inherited from ITerraExplorerObject81) |
Gets and sets a Boolean that determines whether the message automatically appears in front of any other content (i.e. the Project Tree) that might already be present in the destination container. This property is ignored if the message type is set to TYPE_SCRIPT.
JavaScript |
BringToFront |
C# |
bool BringToFront { get; set; } |
C++ |
HRESULT BringToFront([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pVal) HRESULT BringToFront([in] VARIANT_BOOL pVal) |
Gets and sets an enum determining the location of the message on the screen. The MsgTargetPosition enum can use any of the following values:
§ MTP_ LEFT = 0
The message appears in TerraExplorer's left container.
§ MTP_MAIN = 2
The message appears in TerraExplorer's main container.
The message appears in TerraExplorer's message bar.
The message appears in the default web browser (outside of TerraExplorer).
The message appears in a floating pop-up window.
JavaScript |
TargetPosition |
C# |
MsgTargetPosition TargetPosition { get; set; } |
C++ |
HRESULT TargetPosition([out, retval] MsgTargetPosition* pVal) HRESULT TargetPosition([in] MsgTargetPosition pVal) |
Gets and sets a text message to be displayed when the message object is triggered. This parameter has effect on the message only if the Typeproperty is set to TYPE_TEXT or TYPE_SCRIPT.
JavaScript |
Text |
C# |
string Text { get; set; } |
C++ |
HRESULT Text([out, retval] BSTR* pVal) HRESULT Text([in] BSTR pVal) |
Gets and sets an enum that determines whether the message is text, script, or a URL. The MsgType enum has the following values:
§ TYPE_URL = 1
JavaScript |
Type |
C# |
MsgType Type { get; set; } |
C++ |
HRESULT Type([out, retval] MsgType* pVal) HRESULT Type([in] MsgType pVal) |
Gets and sets the URL of the file to be displayed. This value applies only when Type is set to URL.
JavaScript |
C# |
string URL { get; set; } |
C++ |
HRESULT URL([out, retval] BSTR* pVal) HRESULT URL([in] BSTR pVal) |
Gets and sets a Boolean that determines what web browser the message’s URL is opened in: Edge or Internet Explorer.
JavaScript |
UseEdge |
C# |
bool UseEdge { get; set; } |
C++ |
HRESULT UseEdge ([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pVal) HRESULT UseEdge ([in] VARIANT_BOOL pVal) |