The IDrawing interface provides methods for interactive user drawing capabilities. Events during and after the interactive drawing allow the drawing process and the object style to be controlled.
Methods |
Activates an interactive mode for drawing a circle. |
Activates an interactive mode for drawing a dynamic object. |
Activates an interactive mode for drawing an image label in the 3D World. |
Activates an interactive mode for drawing a model. |
Activates an interactive mode for drawing a polygon in the 3D World. |
Activates an interactive mode for drawing a polyline in the 3D World. |
Activates an interactive mode for drawing a rectangle in the 3D World. |
Activates an interactive mode for drawing a text label in the 3D World. |
Activates an interactive mode for drawing a circle in the 3D World. The drawing process and style can be controlled using the related drawing events: OnDrawingAbort, OnDrawingFinished, and OnDrawingGeometryChanged. The ITerrainRegularPolygon return object can be used to set any of the properties of the drawn circle.
Note: The Position or Geometry of the returning IterrainRegularPolygon circle should not be modified until the draw action is complete, i.e., until the OnDrawingFinished event is sent.
JavaScript |
DrawCircle( DrawingMode, GroupID, Left, Top) |
C# |
IterrainRegularPolygon81 DrawCircle ( TerraExplorerX.DrawingMode = DrawingMode.DRAW_MODE_MAGNET, string GroupID = "", int Left = int.MaxValue, int Top = int.MaxValue) |
C++ |
HRESULT DrawCircle ( [in] DrawingMode DrawingMode, [in] BSTR GroupID, [in] long Left, [in] long Top, [out, retval] IterrainRegularPolygon81** pITerrainRegularPolygon81) |
An enum that determines an object's initial move mode, i.e., how it is moved in the 3D Window, and how the property sheet is displayed when the object is created. The DrawingMode enum is divided into two subgroups. This parameter can use a combination of values from the two subgroups, but no more than one value from each subgroup can be used.
Property Sheet Display Group – Use only one of the following values:
Open the property sheet including the top toolbar to edit the object.
Open only the property sheet toolbar to edit the item.
Move Mode Group – Use only one of the following values:
Sets the edit mode to move the object based on where the mouse is pointing in the 3D Window. This makes it easier to move an object or node on a vertical plane or above a 3DML layer or other terrain object.
Set the edit mode to move the object in the XY plane.
The ID of the group in which the circle object should be created.
The top left X position (in pixels) of the object's property sheet relative to the last position of the property sheet.
The top left Y position (in pixels) of the object's property sheet relative to the last position of the property sheet.
Return Value
An IterrainRegularPolygon representing the circle drawn. The return object can be used to set any of the properties of the drawn object.
See: HRESULT Return Values for a list of possible values returned by the HRESULT.
Activates an interactive mode for drawing a dynamic object in the 3D World. The drawing process and style can be controlled using the related drawing events: OnDrawingAbort, OnDrawingFinished, and OnDrawingGeometryChanged. The ITerrainDynamicObject return object can be used to set any of the properties of the drawn dynamic object.
Note: The Position of the returning ITerrainDynamicObject should not be modified until the draw action is complete, i.e., until the OnDrawingFinished event is sent.
JavaScript |
DrawDynamicObject ( Path, DrawingMode, GroupID, Left, Top) |
C# |
ITerrainDynamicObject81 DrawDynamicObject ( String Path, TerraExplorerX.DrawingMode = DrawingMode.DRAW_MODE_MAGNET, string GroupID = "", int Left = int.MaxValue, int Top = int.MaxValue) |
C++ |
HRESULT DrawDynamicObject ( [in] BSTR Path, [in] DrawingMode DrawingMode, [in] BSTR GroupID, [in] long Left, [out, retval] ITerrainDynamicObject81** pITerrainDynamicObject81) |
Full path to the model file or image file to be used for the dynamic object.
An enum that determines an object's initial move mode, i.e., how it is moved in the 3D Window, and how the property sheet is displayed when the object is created. The DrawingMode enum is divided into two subgroups. This parameter can use a combination of values from the two subgroups, but no more than one value from each subgroup can be used.
Property Sheet Display Group – Use only one of the following values:
Open the property sheet including the top toolbar to edit the object.
Open only the property sheet toolbar to edit the item.
Move Mode Group – Use only one of the following values:
Sets the edit mode to move the object based on where the mouse is pointing in the 3D Window. This makes it easier to move an object or node on a vertical plane or above a 3DML layer or other terrain object.
Set the edit mode to move the object in the XY plane.
The ID of the group in which the dynamic object should be created.
The top left X position (in pixels) of the object's property sheet relative to the last position of the property sheet.
The top left Y position (in pixels) of the object's property sheet relative to the last position of the property sheet.
Return Value
An ITerrainDynamicObject representing the dynamic object drawn. The return object can be used to set any of the properties of the drawn object.
See: HRESULT Return Values for a list of possible values returned by the HRESULT.
Activates an interactive mode for drawing an image label in the 3D World. The drawing process and style can be controlled using the related drawing events: OnDrawingAbort, OnDrawingFinished, and OnDrawingGeometryChanged. The ITerrainLabel return object can be used to set any of the properties of the drawn label.
Note: The Position of the returning ITerrainLabel label should not be modified until the draw action is complete, i.e., until the OnDrawingFinished event is sent.
JavaScript |
DrawImageLabel ( ImagePath, DrawingMode, GroupID, Left, Top) |
C# |
ITerrainLabel81 DrawImageLabel ( String ImagePath, TerraExplorerX.DrawingMode = DrawingMode.DRAW_MODE_MAGNET, string GroupID = "", int Left = int.MaxValue, int Top = int.MaxValue) |
C++ |
HRESULT DrawImageLabel ( [in] BSTR ImagePath, [in] DrawingMode DrawingMode, [in] BSTR GroupID, [in] long Left, [in] long Top, [out, retval] ITerrainLabel81** pITerrainLabel81) |
Full path to a BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG or ICO file to load as the image for the image label.
An enum that determines an object's initial move mode, i.e., how it is moved in the 3D Window, and how the property sheet is displayed when the object is created. The DrawingMode enum is divided into two subgroups. This parameter can use a combination of values from the two subgroups, but no more than one value from each subgroup can be used.
Property Sheet Display Group – Use only one of the following values:
Open the property sheet including the top toolbar to edit the object.
Open only the property sheet toolbar to edit the item.
Move Mode Group – Use only one of the following values:
Sets the edit mode to move the object based on where the mouse is pointing in the 3D Window. This makes it easier to move an object or node on a vertical plane or above a 3DML layer or other terrain object.
Set the edit mode to move the object in the XY plane.
The ID of the group in which the label object should be created.
The top left X position (in pixels) of the object's property sheet relative to the last position of the property sheet .
The top left Y position (in pixels) of the object's property sheet relative to the last position of the property sheet.
Return Value
An ITerrainLabel representing the image label drawn. The return object can be used to set any of the properties of the drawn object.
See: HRESULT Return Values for a list of possible values returned by the HRESULT.
Activates an interactive mode for placing a pre-prepared 3D model in the 3D World. The drawing process and style can be controlled using the related drawing events: OnDrawingAbort, OnDrawingFinished, and OnDrawingGeometryChanged. The ITerrainModel return object can be used to set any of the properties of the placed model.
Note: The Position of the returning ITerrainModel model should not be modified until the draw action is complete, i.e., until the OnDrawingFinished event is sent.
JavaScript |
DrawModel ( Path, DrawingMode, GroupID, Left, Top) |
C# |
ITerrainModel81 DrawModel ( String Path, TerraExplorerX.DrawingMode = DrawingMode.DRAW_MODE_MAGNET, string GroupID = "", int Left = int.MaxValue, int Top = int.MaxValue) |
C++ |
HRESULT DrawModel ( [in] BSTR Path, [in] DrawingMode DrawingMode, [in] BSTR GroupID, [in] long Left, [out, retval] ITerrainModel81** pITerrainModel81) |
Full path to the 3D model file.
An enum that determines an object's initial move mode, i.e., how it is moved in the 3D Window, and how the property sheet is displayed when the object is created. The DrawingMode enum is divided into two subgroups. This parameter can use a combination of values from the two subgroups, but no more than one value from each subgroup can be used.
Property Sheet Display Group – Use only one of the following values:
Open the property sheet including the top toolbar to edit the object.
Open only the property sheet toolbar to edit the item.
Move Mode Group – Use only one of the following values:
Sets the edit mode to move the object based on where the mouse is pointing in the 3D Window. This makes it easier to move an object or node on a vertical plane or above a 3DML layer or other terrain object.
Set the edit mode to move the object in the XY plane.
The ID of the group in which the model object should be created.
The top left X position (in pixels) of the object's property sheet relative to the last position of the property sheet.
The top left Y position (in pixels) of the object's property sheet relative to the last position of the property sheet.
Return Value
An ITerrainModel representing the model drawn. The return object can be used to set any of the properties of the drawn object.
See: HRESULT Return Values for a list of possible values returned by the HRESULT.
Activates an interactive mode for drawing a polygon in the 3D World. The drawing process and style can be controlled using the related drawing events: OnDrawingAbort, OnDrawingFinished, and OnDrawingGeometryChanged. The ITerrainPolygon return object can be used to set any of the properties of the drawn polygon.
Note: The Position or Geometry of the returning ITerrainPolygon polygon should not be modified until the draw action is complete, i.e., until the OnDrawingFinished event is sent.
JavaScript |
DrawPolygon( DrawingMode, GroupID, Left, Top) |
C# |
ITerrainPolygon81 DrawPolygon ( TerraExplorerX.DrawingMode = DrawingMode.DRAW_MODE_MAGNET, string GroupID = "", int Left = int.MaxValue, int Top = int.MaxValue) |
C++ |
HRESULT DrawPolygon ( [in] DrawingMode DrawingMode, [in] BSTR GroupID, [in] long Left, [out, retval] ITerrainPolygon81** pITerrainPolygon81) |
An enum that determines an object's initial move mode, i.e., how it is moved in the 3D Window, and how the property sheet is displayed when the object is created. The DrawingMode enum is divided into two subgroups. This parameter can use a combination of values from the two subgroups, but no more than one value from each subgroup can be used.
Property Sheet Display Group – Use only one of the following values:
Open the property sheet including the top toolbar to edit the object.
Open only the property sheet toolbar to edit the item.
Move Mode Group – Use only one of the following values:
Sets the edit mode to move the object based on where the mouse is pointing in the 3D Window. This makes it easier to move an object or node on a vertical plane or above a 3DML layer or other terrain object.
Set the edit mode to move the object in the XY plane.
The ID of the group in which the polygon object should be created.
The top left X position (in pixels) of the object's property sheet relative to the last position of the property sheet.
The top left Y position (in pixels) of the object's property sheet relative to the last position of the property sheet.
Return Value
An ITerrainPolygon representing the polygon drawn. The return object can be used to set any of the properties of the drawn object.
See: HRESULT Return Values for a list of possible values returned by the HRESULT.
Activates an interactive mode for drawing a polyline in the 3D World. The drawing process and style can be controlled using the related drawing events: OnDrawingAbort, OnDrawingFinished, and OnDrawingGeometryChanged. The ITerrainPolyline return object can be used to set any of the properties of the drawn polyline.
Note: The Position or Geometry of the returning ITerrainPolyline polyline should not be modified until the draw action is complete, i.e., until the OnDrawingFinished event is sent.
JavaScript |
DrawPolyline( DrawingMode, GroupID) |
C# |
ITerrainPolyline81 DrawPolyline( TerraExplorerX.DrawingMode = DrawingMode.DRAW_MODE_MAGNET, string GroupID = "", int Left = int.MaxValue, int Top = int.MaxValue) |
C++ |
HRESULT DrawPolyline( [in] DrawingMode DrawingMode, [in] BSTR GroupID, [in] long Left, [out, retval] ITerrainPolyline81** pITerrainPolyline81) |
An enum that determines an object's initial move mode, i.e., how it is moved in the 3D Window, and how the property sheet is displayed when the object is created. The DrawingMode enum is divided into two subgroups. This parameter can use a combination of values from the two subgroups, but no more than one value from each subgroup can be used.
Property Sheet Display Group – Use only one of the following values:
Open the property sheet including the top toolbar to edit the object.
Open only the property sheet toolbar to edit the item.
Move Mode Group – Use only one of the following values:
Sets the edit mode to move the object based on where the mouse is pointing in the 3D Window. This makes it easier to move an object or node on a vertical plane or above a 3DML layer or other terrain object.
Set the edit mode to move the object in the XY plane.
The ID of the group in which the polyline object should be created.
The top left X position (in pixels) of the object's property sheet relative to the last position of the property sheet.
The top left Y position (in pixels) of the object's property sheet relative to the last position of the property sheet.
Return Value
An ITerrainPolyline representing the polyline drawn. The return object can be used to set any of the properties of the drawn object.
See: HRESULT Return Values for a list of possible values returned by the HRESULT.
Activates an interactive mode for drawing a rectangle in the 3D World. The drawing process and style can be controlled using the related drawing events: OnDrawingAbort, OnDrawingFinished, and OnDrawingGeometryChanged. The ITerrainRectangle return object can be used to set any of the properties of the drawn rectangle.
Note: The Position or Geometry of the returning ITerrainRectangle rectangle should not be modified until the draw action is complete, i.e., until the OnDrawingFinished event is sent.
JavaScript |
DrawRectangle( DrawingMode, GroupID, Left, Top) |
C# |
ITerrainRectangle81 DrawRectangle ( TerraExplorerX.DrawingMode = DrawingMode.DRAW_MODE_MAGNET, string GroupID = "", int Left = int.MaxValue, int Top = int.MaxValue] |
C++ |
HRESULT DrawRectangle ( [in] DrawingMode DrawingMode, [in] BSTR GroupID, [in] long Left, [out, retval] ITerrainRectangle81** pITerrainRectangle81) |
An enum that determines an object's initial move mode, i.e., how it is moved in the 3D Window, and how the property sheet is displayed when the object is created. The DrawingMode enum is divided into two subgroups. This parameter can use a combination of values from the two subgroups, but no more than one value from each subgroup can be used.
Property Sheet Display Group – Use only one of the following values:
Open the property sheet including the top toolbar to edit the object.
Open only the property sheet toolbar to edit the item.
Move Mode Group – Use only one of the following values:
Sets the edit mode to move the object based on where the mouse is pointing in the 3D Window. This makes it easier to move an object or node on a vertical plane or above a 3DML layer or other terrain object.
Set the edit mode to move the object in the XY plane.
The ID of the group in which the rectangle object should be created.
The top left X position (in pixels) of the object's property sheet relative to the last position of the property sheet.
The top left Y position (in pixels) of the object's property sheet relative to the last position of the property sheet.
Return Value
An ITerrainRectangle representing the rectangle drawn. The return object can be used to set any of the properties of the drawn object.
See: HRESULT Return Values for a list of possible values returned by the HRESULT.
Activates an interactive mode for drawing a text label in the 3D World. The drawing process and style can be controlled using the related drawing events: OnDrawingAbort, OnDrawingFinished, and OnDrawingGeometryChanged. The ITerrainLabel return object can be used to set any of the properties of the drawn label.
Note: The Position of the returning ITerrainLabel label should not be modified until the draw action is complete, i.e., until the OnDrawingFinished event is sent.
JavaScript |
DrawTextLabel ( Text, DrawingMode, GroupID, Left, Top) |
C# |
ITerrainLabel81 DrawTextLabel ( string Text, TerraExplorerX.DrawingMode = DrawingMode.DRAW_MODE_MAGNET, string GroupID = "", int Left = int.MaxValue, int Top = int.MaxValue) |
C++ |
HRESULT DrawTextLabel( [in] BSTR Text, [in] DrawingMode DrawingMode, [in] BSTR GroupID, [in] long Left, [out, retval] ITerrainLabel81** pITerrainLabel81) |
The label text.
An enum that determines an object's initial move mode, i.e., how it is moved in the 3D Window, and how the property sheet is displayed when the object is created. The DrawingMode enum is divided into two subgroups. This parameter can use a combination of values from the two subgroups, but no more than one value from each subgroup can be used.
Property Sheet Display Group – Use only one of the following values:
Open the property sheet including the top toolbar to edit the object.
Open only the property sheet toolbar to edit the item.
Move Mode Group – Use only one of the following values:
Sets the edit mode to move the object based on where the mouse is pointing in the 3D Window. This makes it easier to move an object or node on a vertical plane or above a 3DML layer or other terrain object.
Set the edit mode to move the object in the XY plane.
The ID of the group in which the label object should be created.
The top left X position (in pixels) of the object's property sheet relative to the last position of the property sheet.
The top left Y position (in pixels) of the object's property sheet relative to the last position of the property sheet.
Return Value
An ITerrainLabel representing the text label drawn. The return object can be used to set any of the properties of the drawn object.
See: HRESULT Return Values for a list of possible values returned by the HRESULT.