This interface provides a set of methods for synchronizing and managing multiple 3D windows that are embedded in the same application. The ITE3DWindowEx interface provides control over the window elements of each of the 3D windows.
Methods |
Determines if the 3D Window owning this SGWorld81 object was selected as the leader. |
Links the position of the 3D Window owning this SGWorld81 object to the position of a target 3D Window. |
Sets the 3D Window owning this SGWorld81 object as the leader. |
Unlinks the position of the 3D Window owning this SGWorld81 object from the position of a target 3D Window. |
Returns TRUE if the 3D Window owning this SGWorld81 object was set as the leader.
JavaScript |
IsLeader |
C# |
bool IsLeader() |
C++ |
A Boolean that indicates if the 3D Window owning this SGWorld81 object is the leader.
See: HRESULT Return Values for a list of possible values returned by the HRESULT.
Links the display in the 3D Window owning this SGWorld81 object to the display in a target 3D Window. Whichever window currently has the input focus determines the display in both windows, taking into account whatever offsets are set in this method.
JavaScript |
LinkPosition( target, OffsetX, OffsetY, OffsetAltitude, OffsetYaw, OffsetPitch, LinkFlags) |
C# |
void LinkPosition( object target, double OffsetX = 0, double OffsetY = 0, double OffsetAltitude = 0, double OffsetYaw = 0, double OffsetPitch = 0, LinkPositionFlags LinkFlags = LinkPositionFlags.LP_NONE) |
C++ |
HRESULT LinkPosition( VARIANT target, double OffsetX, double OffsetY, double OffsetAltitude, double OffsetYaw, double OffsetPitch, LinkPositionFlags LinkFlags) |
An ISGWorld81 object.
The offset, in meters, on the x-axis of the 3D Window owning this SGWorld81 object from the target window (passed in the first parameter).
The offset, in meters, on the y-axis of the 3D Window owning this SGWorld81 object from the target window (passed in the first parameter).
The offset, in meters, of the altitude of the 3D Window owning this SGWorld81 object from the target window (passed in the first parameter).
The offset, in degrees, of the yaw (direction angle along the vertical axis relative to north) of the 3D Window owning this SGWorld81 object from the target window (passed in the first parameter).
The offset, in degrees, of the pitch (tilt angle) of the 3D Window owning this SGWorld81 object from the target window (passed in the first parameter).
An enum that determines the position linking relationship of the linked 3D Windows by defining how some of the offset parameters should be applied. The LinkFlags enum can contain any combination of the following values:
· LP_NONE = 0
All offset parameters are treated as offsets from the target 3D Window passed in the first parameter.
When set, this flag indicates that the OffsetAltitude parameter should be used as a constant absolute altitude of the linked window, and not as an offset. Setting an absolute altitude allows the linked windows to show the same geographical area as the leader, but at independent altitudes.
When set, this flag indicates that the OffsetYaw parameter should be used as a constant yaw value of the linked window, and not as an offset. Setting an absolute yaw allows the linked windows to show the same geographical area as the leader, while looking to a different direction.
When set, this flag indicates that the OffsetPitch parameter should be used as a constant pitch value of the linked window, and not as an offset. Setting an absolute pitch allows the linked windows to show the same geographical area as the leader, while looking down at different angles.
When set, this flag indicates that the OffsetAltitude parameter should be used as a factor of the altitude of the linked window, and not as an offset. Setting a factor altitude allows the linked windows to show the same geographical area as the leader, but at different altitudes.
When set, the 3D Window owning this SGWorld81 object can follow the target 3D Window but it cannot act as a leader of the target 3D Window. If the selected window is SetAsLeader (i.e., it has the user input focus), the client can update position in the 3D Window but the linked window will not be affected.
See: HRESULT Return Values for a list of possible values returned by the HRESULT.
Designates the 3D Window owning this SGWorld81 object as the leader of the linked positions. All linked windows (set using the LinkPosition method) will follow the “new leader” using the offsets specified by the LinkPosition method. This method can be used by the COM client prior to calling a method such as Navigate::FlyTo to make sure that the FlyTo will actually be executed, since the FlyTo will not be performed, if the COM client is currently following another leader.
JavaScript |
SetAsLeader |
C# |
void SetAsLeader() |
C++ |
HRESULT SetAsLeader() |
Unlinks the display in the window owning the SGWorld81 object from the target 3D Window it was previously linked to. See “LinkPosition.”
JavaScript |
UnlinkPosition |
C# |
void UnlinkPosition() |
C++ |
HRESULT UnlinkPosition() |