I3DMLFeatureLayer81 supplies the properties and methods for interacting with the 3DML’s feature layers. It enables you to access information about the data source a 3DML’s feature layer is based on, perform actions (e.g. set message, tooltip, tint) on the feature layer, as well as execute spatial queries.
A 3DML represented by IMeshLayer81 can be loaded from file using the ICreator81.CreateMeshLayerFromFile method or from SkylineGlobe Server using the ICreator81. CreateMeshLayerFromSGS method.
Properties |
An IDataSourceInfo81 that gives the client access to information about the data source a 3DML’s feature layer is based on. |
An I3DMLFeatureProperties81 that sets the value of a specified property of the specified layer’s features. |
Gets the ID of the feature layer. (Inherited from ITerraExplorerObject81) |
Gets an enum that identifies the type of the object. (Inherited from ITerraExplorerObject81) |
An IPosition81 representing the layer’s position on the terrain. |
Gets and sets a Boolean that determines whether the feature layer is saved in the Fly file. (Inherited from ITerraExplorerObject81) |
An IFeatures81 that provides access to the feature layer’s currently selected features. |
An ITreeItem81 describing the representation of the feature layer in the Project Tree. |
Methods |
Returns a feature based on the feature ID it was assigned by the data source. |
Returns a list of features that intersect with a selection area's geometry having a specified attribute value. |
Returns an IFeatures81 representing all the features that intersect with a selection area geometry according to the specified intersection type and renders all data in the 3D Window. |
Gets an array of text strings assigned to each object global namespace. (Inherited from ITerraExplorerObject81) |
GetParam |
Reserved. Currently not used. (Inherited from ITerraExplorerObject81) |
Saves layer changes to a file with a specified name. |
Sets an array of text strings assigned to each object global namespace. (Inherited from ITerraExplorerObject81) |
SetParam |
Reserved. Currently not used. (Inherited from ITerraExplorerObject81) |
This method returns a feature based on the feature ID it was assigned by the data source. Since the query is performed on the data source, even a feature that has not yet been streamed can be returned.
JavaScript |
ExecuteGetDataSourceFeatureIdQuery ( FeatureID) |
C# |
IFeatures81 ExecuteGetDataSourceFeatureIdQuery ( string FeatureID) |
C++ |
HRESULT ExecuteGetDataSourceFeatureIdQuery ( BSTR FeatureID, IFeature81** pVal) |
The ID of the feature requested.
Return Value
An IFeature81 representing the feature with a specified feature ID.
See: HRESULT Return Values for a list of possible values returned by the HRESULT.
This method returns all the features in a layer that match the attribute query. When a combined attribute and spatial query is required, an AreaFilter parameter can be defined that filters the returned features by a selection area geometry in addition to the attribute value.
Note: In Javascript, if you do not want to use an area filter, you can call ICreator81. GeometryCreator.CreatePolygonGeometry(null)) to create a null IGeometry object.
Note: When only a spatial query is required, “ExecuteSpatialQuery” can be called instead. Note that in addition to combining the spatial query with an attribute query, ExecuteQuery also offers the advantages of performing the query without rendering and of splitting the request into chunks (multiple “sub-queries”, each on a defined subset of the features). ExecuteSpatialQuery, on the other has the advantage of rendering all the data in the 3D Window. See “ExecuteSpatialQuery” for more information.
JavaScript |
ExecuteQuery( AttributeFilter, NumOfFeatures, FromDataSourceFeatureId, AreaFilter) |
C# |
IFeatures81 ExecuteQuery( string AttributeFilter, int NumOfFeatures = -1, string FromDataSourceFeatureId = "", IGeometry* AreaFilter) |
C++ |
HRESULT ExecuteQuery( |
BSTR AttributeFilter, long NumOfFeatures, BSTR FromDataSourceFeatureId, IGeometry* AreaFilter, IFeatures81** pITerraExplorerObject) |
Any valid SQL WHERE clause that filters the layer’s features, thereby designating which of the layer’s features should be queried.
The maximum number of features to query.
The ID of the first feature that should be queried. When splitting a large query into multiple chunks (“sub-queries”),the FromDataSourceFeatureId for each subsequent call to ExecuteQuery should be set equal to the last feature ID of the previous call.
An IGeometry representing the polygon, multipolygon, or linear ring that designates which part of the layer should be selected (only layer features that are spatially related to the polygon/ multipolygon/ linear ring will be selected).
Note: In Javascript, if you do not want to use an area filter, you can call ICreator81. GeometryCreator.CreatePolygonGeometry(null)) to create a null IGeometry object.
Return Value
An IFeatures81, containing all the features in the layer that have a specified attribute value. and intersect with the selection area geometry according to the attribute filter and area filter that were set.
See: HRESULT Return Values for a list of possible values returned by the HRESULT.
This method returns all the features that intersect with a selection area geometry according to the specified intersection type and renders all data in the 3D Window. If rendering of the data is not desirable for the spatial query, the ExecuteQuery method can be used instead. Note that in addition to combining the spatial query with an attribute query, ExecuteQuery also offers the advantages of performing the query without rendering and of splitting the request into chunks (multiple “sub-queries”, each on a defined subset of the features). ExecuteSpatialQuery, on the other has the advantage of rendering all the data in the 3D Window. See “ExecuteQuery” for more information.
JavaScript |
ExecuteSpatialQuery( pIGeometry, IntersectionType) |
C# |
IFeatures81 ExecuteSpatialQuery( IGeometry pIGeometry, IntersectionType IntersectionType = IntersectionType.IT_INTERSECT) |
C++ |
HRESULT ExecuteSpatialQuery( IGeometry* pIGeometry, IntersectionType IntersectionType, IFeatures81** pIFeatures) |
§ A valid IGeometry derived object.
An enum that determines the intersection type. The following are the possible values:
· IT_NONE = 0
Select all features that geometrically intersect with the selection area.
Select only features whose entire geometry falls within the selection area drawn.
Return Value
An IFeatures81, containing all the features that intersect with the selection area geometry according to the IGeometry properties set.
See: HRESULT Return Values for a list of possible values returned by the HRESULT.
Saves the layer changes to a file with a specified name. Before saving, the layer can be filtered based on attribute and area filters. For security reasons the file is saved to a predefined “Skyline\TerraExplorer” folder in the “Application Data” space of the current user. The full path of the saved file is provided in the method’s return value. You can also use %APPDATA% in Windows Explorer to locate the path on your computer.
Note: In Javascript, if you do not want to use an area filter, you can call ICreator81. GeometryCreator.CreatePolygonGeometry(null)) to create a null IGeometry object.
Note: If the folder contains a file by the same name, the existing file is overwritten without a prompt.
Note: The Application Data folder path changes between different users and different Windows operating systems. To find the path used by your client look at the %APPDATA% environment variable.
JavaScript |
SaveAs( FileName, AttributeFilter, AreaFilter) |
C# |
string SaveAs( string FileName, string AttributeFilter, IGeometry AreaFilter) |
C++ |
HRESULT SaveAs ( BSTR FileName, BSTR AttributeFilter, IGeometry* AreaFilter, BSTR* OutFilePath) |
The name for the layer file. The layer can be saved as a shapefile (.shp), GeoPackage, GeoDatabase, PDF or SQLite (.sqlite).
· When saving as a shapefile, the connection string must include the following parameters:
· When saving as an Excel file, the connection string must include the following parameters:
Note: Only point layers can be saved to Microsoft Excel.
· When saving as an SQLite file, the connection string must include the following parameters:
· When saving as a GeoPackage, the connection string must include the following parameters:
· When saving as a GeoDatabase, the connection string must include the following parameters:
· When saving as a Geospatial PDF, the connection string must include the following parameters:
Note: A file name with a full path cannot be used here.
Any valid SQL WHERE clause that filters the layer’s features, thereby designating which of the layer’s features should be saved. If this parameter is set to “Selected Features”, all currently selected features are saved.
An IGeometry representing the polygon or multipolygon that designates which part of the layer should be saved (only layer features that are spatially related to the polygon/ multipolygon will be saved).
Note: In Javascript, if you do not want to use an area filter, you can call ICreator81. GeometryCreator.CreatePolygonGeometry(null)) to create a null IGeometry object.
Return Value
A full path of the layer file being created.
See: HRESULT Return Values for a list of possible values returned by the HRESULT.