Imagery and Elevation Layer Parameters




Layer Title

Name of the layer in the Project Tree.

Layer Name

Name of the source file (read-only).

Source Path

Full path to the source file (read-only).

Pyramid File Name

File name of the layer’s resolution pyramid (read-only).

Pyramid Path

Path to the layer’s resolution pyramid file (after pyramid is created) (read-only).

Pyramid Include Source

Select Yes to include the information from the original source file in the resolution pyramid.

Use in Output

Select No to exclude the layer from the project output. The layer is excluded from the output file and a red X appears on this layer’s layer type icon in the Layer List. SeeRemoving a Layer from the Output File” in the “Layer Management” chapter for more information.

Display Layer as Color

Select Yes to display the layer in Color regardless of the project’s selected Display Mode. SeeDisplay Mode” in the “Basic Concepts” chapter for information.

Layer Color

Select the fill color for the layer.

Elevation/Image Pyramid Format

Select the required format for the layer’s resolution pyramid. SeeCreate a Resolution Pyramid for a Specified Layer” in the “Layer Management” chapter for information.

Elevation/Image Pyramid Quality

This field is only available if you selected Image or Elevation JPEG v3 as the Pyramid Format. Type the required quality value (30-100).

Coordinate System

Display String

Coordinate system description (read-only).

Reproject Grid

From the drop-down list, select the required Sampling grid, in pixels: 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, or 2. This determines the accuracy of the reprojection. Lower grid values yield more exact results, but take longer to reproject.

Reproject Method

From the drop-down list, select a method for reprojection: Sampling or Linear Interpolation.


This field is only available if Linear Interpolation was selected as the Reproject Method. From the drop-down list, select the required sub-sampling grid, in pixels: No Sub Sampling, 2, 3 or 4.

Coordinate System

Click Set to open the Coordinate System dialog box, and set the required coordinate system. SeeSetting a Source’s Coordinate System” in this chapter for more information.


See “Modifying Layer Dimensions” in the “Layer Manipulation” chapter for information.

Left X

X-coordinate of the layer’s top-left corner.

Upper Y

Y-coordinate of the layer top-left corner.

Right X

X-coordinate of the layer’s bottom-right corner.

Lower Y

Y-coordinate of the layer’s bottom-right corner.

Layer UPP X

Units per pixel for the layer's X axis.

Layer UPP Y

Units per pixel for the layer's Y axis.

UPP in Project

Select the layer’s units per pixel value. Legal values for UPP are restricted to values on the Project ruler.

See Aligning Source Files to the Ruler” in the “Terms and Definitions” chapter for more information.

Max Visible UPP

Select from the list the maximum UPP for which the layer should still be visible.

Size in Pixels

Size of the file in pixels is automatically displayed (read-only).

Geographic Width

Width of the layer (Right X - Left X).

Geographic Height

Height of the layer (Upper Y - Lower Y).


See “Selecting a Polygon or Rectangle” in the “Using Polygons and Rectangles” chapter.


Select which polygons are listed in the Selected Polygon drop-down list:

§  All Polygons in Edit Layers - The polygon list includes any polygon that applies to a layer in edit mode.

§  Common Polygons to Edit Layers - The polygon list includes only polygons that apply to all the layers in edit mode.

Selected Polygon

Select the required polygon to edit.

Scale Elevation

See "Scale Elevation" in the "Layer Manipulation" chapter for more information.

Elevation Scale

Change the elevation data to a new value.

This feature enables you to adjust an elevation source that is defined with reference to a different baseline, such as different sea levels. The elevation data in the source file is changed to a new value where: New Value = Old Value * Scale Factor + Offset Value.

Elevation Offset

Change the elevation data to a new value.

This feature enables you to adjust an elevation source that is defined with reference to different baselines, such as different sea levels. The elevation data in the source file is changed to a new value where: New Value = Old Value * Scale Factor + Offset Value.

Color Adjustment

See "Color Adjustment” in the "Layer Manipulation" chapter for more information 


Select a Channel: RGB, Red, Green or Blue.


Type the required Gamma value.

Min. Input Luminosity

Type the minimum input luminosity (0-255).

Max. Input Luminosity

Type the maximum input luminosity (0-255).

Min. Output Luminosity

Type the minimum output luminosity (0-255).

Max. Output Luminosity

Type the maximum output luminosity (0-255).


Type the required Saturation value.


Click Adjust, and then in the Adjust Histogram dialog box, select a channel and move the sliders to set the required values.