Setting and Editing Point Cloud Properties
Point cloud properties can be modified from the layer’s property sheet.
Note: You can apply a point cloud layer’s properties (e.g., point size, point color, intensity blend) to another point cloud by copying and pasting the layer’s styles. See “Copying and Pasting Layer Styles” in this chapter for information.
Note: If you want to undo/redo any edit action, on the top of the layer’s property sheet, click Undo / Redo
. Changes can be undone or redone, even after the property sheet is closed, and then reopened.
Object Parameter |
Activity |
Appearance |
Name |
Type the description or name of the point cloud model. This text appears in the Project Tree as the name of the object. |
Activation Action |
Select the action to perform when selecting the point cloud model from the Project Tree. |
Style |
Point Size |
Size, in pixels, of each of the point cloud’s points. If you want to base the point size on attribute fields, click the Field by Attribute button |
Point Color |
Color of the point cloud points. This can be set to any of the following: § [RGB] – To color each point of the point cloud according to the CPT’s RGB values. § [Intensity] - To color each point of the point cloud according to the CPT’s intensity values. § A set color value for all the points. To select a color, click Edit and select a color. § Attribute field - To base each point of the point cloud’s color on a specific attribute field’s value, click the Field by Attribute button |
Point Visibility |
Determines if the point cloud’s points are visible. To set the visibility of points based on their attribute values, click the Field by Attribute button |
Intensity Blend |
Determines how much the point cloud’s intensity value is factored in colorizing the point cloud, where 0% colorizes the point cloud model by point color only, and 100% colorizes by intensity only. |
Oversampling |
The point cloud’s Level of Detail (LOD). When set to Normal, TerraExplorer determines the optimal quality to performance balance based on the current view. The “High” and “Best” settings will load more points but are also more resource-intensive. |
Flatten Underlying Terrain |
Determines if the terrain under the model is leveled to the model’s elevation value. This option is enabled only if the Altitude Method property in the point cloud property sheet is set to Absolute. |
Hide Underlying Terrain |
Hides the terrain texture under the point cloud model (the terrain appears as a black image). |
Model |
File Name |
Type or browse a path to a .cpt file to load as the point cloud model. |
Position |
Altitude Method |
Sets the altitude method to be used by the point cloud model: § Select Relative to Terrain to place the point cloud model’s pivot point at a specified altitude above the ground. § Select Absolute to place the point cloud model’s pivot point at a specified altitude above the terrain database vertical datum base ellipsoid. |
Altitude |
Enter the altitude, as defined in Altitude Method, for the point cloud model’s pivot point. |
X |
Enter the X-coordinate for the point cloud model’s pivot point. |
Y |
Enter the Y-coordinate for the point cloud model’s pivot point. |
The coordinates of the point cloud model’s center point in Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) coordinates. This field is only available if Show MGRS Coordinates was selected in the Options dialog. See “View” in the “Using TerraExplorer Options” chapter for more information. |
Yaw |
Determines the direction angle of the point cloud model along the vertical axis relative to north. |
Pitch |
Determines the tilt angle of the point cloud model along its lateral axis relative to the horizon. |
Roll |
Determines the roll angle of the point cloud model along its longitudinal (front-to-back) axis. |
Default Location |
Brings you to the default location of the object. This option is active only if an object was assigned a default location during its configuration stage. |
Geometry |
Scale |
Determines the dimensions, of the point cloud model. The actual size of the model in the 3D World is the size of the model in its internal coordinate system times the Scale value, (i.e., if the model has a width of 5 units and the scale is set to 10, the width of the object in the 3D World is 50 meters.) |
Data Slice |
Click on the Data Slice button to open the Data Slice Control dialog. |
Timespan |
Start Time |
Click Edit and select the date and time when the point cloud model should first become visible. |
End Time |
Click Edit and select the date and time when the point cloud model should stop being visible. |
Visibility |
Default Viewing Distance |
Determines the viewing distance of the camera from the point cloud model. This distance is used as a stop mark for any “Fly-to” or “View Object” operation. It is also used when selecting to edit the object from the Project Tree. When this value is set to the default of -1, TerraExplorer calculates and sets the ideal viewing distance for the model based on its size. |
Max. Visibility Distance |
Sets the distance from the camera above which the point cloud model disappears. |
Min. Visibility Distance |
Sets the minimal distance from the camera below which the point cloud model disappears. |
General |
Show in Viewer |
Determines if the point cloud model appears in the Project Tree when the file is viewed with the TerraExplorer Basic viewer. |
Message |
The message associated with the object. The number displayed is the number of the message. To create a new message, or update an existing message, open the Create Message dialog by clicking in this field and selecting Edit. See “Using the Create Message Dialog” in the “Working with Objects” chapter for more information. |
Tooltip |
Type a tooltip text to appear when the mouse cursor is placed over the point cloud model in the 3D Window. |
Ground Object |
Determines if the object is calculated as part of the terrain’s elevation. |
Copying and Pasting Layer Styles
Point cloud layers are easily styled by copying and pasting styles from one point cloud to another. When the Copy/Paste layer style functions are performed, all layer properties are copied and pasted except for Name and the properties listed in the Model and Position sections of the point cloud property sheet.
Note: Layer styles cannot be pasted if the source of the layer being copied was deleted.
To copy and paste a point cloud’s styles:
1. In the Project Tree, right-click the point cloud whose style you want to copy, and select Copy Layer Style.
2. In the Project Tree, right-click the point cloud to which you want to apply the copied layer style, and select Paste Layer Style. If you want to paste the style to multiple point cloud layers, use CTRL-click or SHIFT-click to multi-select the layers, and then select Paste Layer Style.