Fill Elevation

To set properties for a Fill Elevation polygon:

1.     Above the Working Window, click the Elevation tab and from the Layer List, select an Elevation layer.

2.     Do one of the following:

§  Create a Fill Polygon/Rectangle. SeeCreating Polygons and Rectangles” in this chapter for more information.

§  Select an existing polygon. SeeSelecting a Polygon or Rectangle” in this chapter for more information.

3.     On the Polygon Edit tab, in the General group, from the Operation Type drop-down list, select Fill Polygon/Fill Rectangle.

Note:        This option will already be selected if the polygon was initially created as a Fill Elevation polygon.

4.     On the Polygon Edit tab, in the General group, from the Apply Operation drop-down list select Inside Shape or Outside Shape.  

5.     In the Fill Value group, in the Fill Elevation field, type the elevation value.

6.     In the Fill Value group, from the Elevation Behavior drop-down list, select one of the following settings:




Replaces the area defined by the polygon with the selected elevation value.

Crop Below

Replaces all elevation values that are lower than the selected elevation value with the selected elevation value.

Crop Above

Replaces all elevation values that are higher than the selected elevation value with the selected elevation value.

The Polygon implementation adjusts to the new properties.