Creating Polygons and Rectangles
To create a polygon/rectangle:
1. In the Layer List, select Edit mode for the layer(s) to which the polygon is to be attached.
2. On the Polygons tab, in the Insert Polygon group, select a command.
3. If you are creating a polygon, in the Working Window, click the left mouse button to define the waypoints, and then right-click to complete the polygon. The Polygon Edit tab is displayed.
4. If you are creating a rectangle, in the Working Window, click to define the waypoint for one corner and then click to define the waypoint for the opposite diagonal corner.
5. In the General group, in the Polygon Name field, type a name for the polygon.
Note: TerraBuilder assigns a default name to each polygon (Poly 0, Poly 1…), sequentially numbering the polygons according to the order they were created.
6. In the General group, the Operation Type field displays the polygon type you selected in step 2. If you want to change the polygon type, from the Operation Type drop-down list, select the required command. See “Setting Fill Colors, Elevation Values, and Null Values” in this chapter for more information about settings for Fill Color/Elevation or Remove Null Value operations.
7. In the General group, from the Apply Operation drop-down list select Outside Shape or Inside Shape.
8. If you want to attach or detach this polygon to/from other layers, in the Layers group, select the required command. See “Attaching and Detaching Polygons" in this chapter for more information.
9. If you want to move a waypoint, in the Waypoints group, select the required waypoint and type its new X and Y coordinates. See “Moving Waypoints” in this chapter for more information.
10. If you want to add a feather, right-click the polygon, and in the Feather group, enter the feather radius and units. See “Creating a Feather” in this chapter for more information.