Creating a Feather

To feather a polygon:

1.     Select the required polygon. SeeSelecting a Polygon or Rectangle” in this chapter for more information.

2.     If you want to create a feather using the mouse, do the following:

a.     Right-click the polygon, and from the shortcut menu, select Add Feather.

b.     Move the mouse to the required distance from the polygon border (marked by a white border that moves with the cursor) and click to set the distance.

3.     If you want to enter a precise measurement for the feather radius, do the following:

a.     On the Polygon Edit tab, in the Feather group, click the Feather button.

b.     In the Feather group, type the required feather radius and select the required units of measurement.

Anything in the space between the polygon border and the feather border is feathered, i.e., blended.

Note:    If Apply Operation is set to Inside Shape an inner polygon of identical shape to the original is created that marks the feather border.
If Apply Operation is set to Outside Shape an outer polygon of identical shape to the original is created that marks the feather border.