Loading LiDAR Data
LiDAR data can be loaded into a PhotoMesh project and integrated with project photos to supplement project data and increase model accuracy. PhotoMesh supports LiDAR data in .las, .laz or .e57 formats. To improve the reconstruction of the model, LiDAR data can be loaded together with a trajectory file that provides information about the scanner’s position while capturing the point cloud. Some .e57 files include internal trajectory information and therefore do not require an external one. LiDAR are converted to CPT, PhotoMesh's internal format, during the build's data preparation step or by Showing Point Cloud. See "About Building" in the "Building" chapter and "Showing a LiDAR Point Cloud on the Terrain" in this chapter for more information.
If LiDAR files are loaded after aerotriangulation is performed and reconstruction has already started, all reconstruction tiles that intersect with the new LiDAR’s bounding box are restored to the point cloud step. This ensures that all necessary processing is performed when the Build Start From step is set to Auto. See "Setting Build Steps" in the "Building" chapter for more information.
To load LiDAR files from your local disk:
1. On the Home tab, in the Add group, click the arrow next to LiDAR, and select one of the following:
§ Load files – To add selected files.
§ Load folder – To add an entire folder. All supported LiDAR files in the folder are loaded.
2. Browse to the required folder/file(s) and click Open.
3. Set the LiDAR’s coordinate system including its vertical datum.
Note: If incorrect coordinate system information is entered, the *.CPT created for the LiDAR should be manually deleted from the project's cpts directory: .\[PROJECT_NAME]\cpts\
4. Add a trajectory file and modify LiDAR properties, as required, in the LiDARs list. See "Modifying LiDAR Properties" and "Associating a LiDAR Point Cloud with its Trajectory Data" in this chapter for information.