DateTime (IDateTime81)
The IDateTime81 interface provides you with date and time related features. It exposes control over the time and date, time mode, time range, time zone settings, and sun display. Changes made using this interface apply only to the current state of the project and are not saved when the Fly file is saved. To make changes that are saved in the project, use IProject81.Settings.
Properties |
Gets and sets the currently used global date and time. |
Gets and sets the time range of the Date and Time slider. |
Gets and sets a Boolean that determines whether to use the sun as a light source. |
Sets sunlight display on the terrain based on a specific selected time. |
Gets and sets the range end date and time. |
Gets and sets the range start date and time. |
Gets a description of the currently used time zone, e.g., "(GMT-09:00) Alaska". |
Gets and sets a key of the used time zone, e.g., "Alaska Standard Time". |
Gets and sets the currently used time zone. |
Gets an XML that defines the available time zones in the operating system. |
Methods |
Sets the date and time mode. |
Gets and sets the currently used global date and time. See “Time” for information on valid formats for this property.
JavaScript |
Current |
C# |
dynamic Current { get; set; } |
C++ |
HRESULT Current([out, retval] VARIANT* pVal) HRESULT Current([in] VARIANT pVal) |
Gets and sets the time range in seconds of the Date and Time slider.
JavaScript |
CurrentTimeBuffer |
C# |
int CurrentTimeBuffer { get; set; } |
C++ |
HRESULT CurrentTimeBuffer ([out, retval] long* pSeconds) HRESULT CurrentTimeBuffer ([in] long pSeconds) |
Gets and sets a Boolean that indicates whether the sun is used the sun as a light source.
JavaScript |
DisplaySun |
C# |
bool DisplaySun { get; set; } |
C++ |
HRESULT DisplaySun([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pVal) HRESULT DisplaySun([in] VARIANT_BOOL pVal) |
Gets and sets a fixed time at the viewer position. The time slider is set to this time and sunlight on the terrain corresponds to the position of the sun at this time on the current date. See “Time” for information on valid formats for this property.
JavaScript |
FixedLocalTime |
C# |
dynamic FixedLocalTime { get; set; } |
C++ |
HRESULT FixedLocalTime([out, retval] VARIANT* pVal) HRESULT FixedLocalTime([in] VARIANT pVal) |
Gets and sets the range end date and time. See “Time” for information on valid formats for this property.
JavaScript |
TimeRangeEnd |
C# |
dynamic TimeRangeEnd { get; set; } |
C++ |
HRESULT TimeRangeEnd([out, retval] VARIANT* pVal) HRESULT TimeRangeEnd([in] VARIANT pVal) |
Gets and sets the range start date and time. See “Time” for information on valid formats for this property.
JavaScript |
TimeRangeStart |
C# |
dynamic TimeRangeStart { get; set; } |
C++ |
HRESULT TimeRangeStart([out, retval] VARIANT* pVal) HRESULT TimeRangeStart([in] VARIANT pVal) |
Gets a description of the currently used time zone, e.g., "(GMT-09:00) Alaska". The string corresponds to the value of the OPTION node in the XML returned from TimeZonesXML.
JavaScript |
TimeZoneDisplayName |
C# |
string TimeZoneDisplayName { get; } |
C++ |
HRESULT TimeZoneDisplayName([out, retval] BSTR* pVal) |
Gets and sets a key of the used time zone, e.g., "Alaska Standard Time". The key can be one of the VALUE attributes of an OPTION node in the XML returned from TimeZonesXML.
JavaScript |
TimeZoneKey |
C# |
string TimeZoneKey { get; set; } |
C++ |
HRESULT TimeZoneKey([out, retval] BSTR* pVal) HRESULT TimeZoneKey([in] BSTR pVal) |
Gets and sets the currently used time zone type. The following are its enumerations:
Use the computer local time zone.
Use UTC time.
Use a specified time zone. The time zone can be set with TimeZoneKey or TimeZoneDisplayName.
JavaScript |
TimeZoneMode |
C# |
TimeZoneType TimeZoneMode { get; set; } |
C++ |
HRESULT TimeZoneMode([out, retval] TimeZoneType* pVal) HRESULT TimeZoneMode([in] TimeZoneType pVal) |
Gets an XML that defines the available time zones in the operating system. For example:
<SELECT ID="TimeZoneList" SIZE="XX">
<OPTION VALUE ="Alaska Standard Time">(GMT-09:00) Alaska<OPTION>
. . .
JavaScript |
TimeZonesXML |
C# |
string TimeZonesXML { get; } |
C++ |
HRESULT TimeZonesXML([out, retval] BSTR* pVal) |
This method sets the time and date slider mode.
JavaScript |
SetMode(Mode) |
C# |
void SetMode(SliderDisplayMode Mode) |
C++ |
HRESULT SetMode(SliderDisplayMode Mode) |
An enum that determines the date and time slider mode. The following are possible values:
Always use a fixed time at the viewer position that can be set using the FixedLocalTime property.
Always use a fixed time that can be set using the
Use range according to project.
Discontinued. Do not use.
· Use a custom range that can be set using the TimeRangeStart and TimeRangeEnd properties.
Automatically adjust range to selected group. You can use this flag in combination with the MODE_FIXED_TIME or MODE_TIME values.
See: HRESULT Return Values for a list of possible values returned by the HRESULT.