Project (IProject81)
The IProject81 interface gives access to project settings and to basic methods for opening and saving the project.
Properties |
Returns an ITEVersionInfo81 representing the version of TerraExplorer that the current Fly file was saved in. |
Gets the name and path of the currently loaded Fly file. |
Deprecated. Use GetProjectParam and SetProjectParam instead. |
Methods |
Closes a Fly file or terrain database. |
Gets the value of a specified parameter in the Fly file Project Settings. |
Loads an array of files of different file types into a project, with each file loaded as the best matched TerraExplorer object. |
Opens a Fly file or terrain database. |
Publishes a project and all its layers, resources, and styling to SkylineGlobe Server. |
Saves the current project to a Fly file. |
Saves the current project to a Fly file with a specified name. |
Sets the value of a specified parameter in the Fly file Project Settings. |
Gets the name and path of the currently loaded Fly file. If no Fly file is loaded, an empty string is returned.
JavaScript |
Name |
C# |
string Name { get; } |
C++ |
HRESULT Name([out, retval] BSTR* pVal) |
Allows defining the value of a specified parameter in the Fly file Project Settings. Each parameter is accessed by a unique identification string. This property is deprecated. Use GetProjectParam and SetProjectParam instead.
This property is exposed in C# and JavaScript in the following ways:
§ In C#, this property is exposed as Settings, e.g.,
SGWorld81.Project.Settings["CopyrightText"] = "My Copyright";
Note: In older versions of C#, this property is exposed as set_Settings and get_Settings, e.g.,
SGWorld81.Project.set_Settings["CopyrightText"] = "My Copyright";
§ In JavaScript use:
SGWorld81.Project.Settings("CopyrightText") = "My Copyright";
JavaScript |
Settings(paramName) |
C# |
dynamic Settings { get; set; } |
C++ |
HRESULT Settings( [in] BSTR paramName, [out, retval] VARIANT* pVal) HRESULT Settings( [in] BSTR paramName, [in] VARIANT pVal) |
Closes a Fly file or terrain database.
JavaScript |
bool Close( bSuppressConfirmation) |
C# |
bool Close( bool bSuppressConfirmation = false) |
C++ |
HRESULT Close( VARIANT_BOOL bSuppressConfirmation, VARIANT_BOOL * pbClosed) |
A Boolean that determines whether a dialog should display confirming the Close request.
Return Value
A Boolean return value that indicates whether or not the file is closed.
See: HRESULT Return Values for a list of possible values returned by the HRESULT.
Returns the value of a specified parameter in the Fly file Project Settings. Each parameter is accessed by a unique identification string. See “SetProjectParam” for a list of the supported parameter string values and the respective parameter value options. This method replaces the deprecated Settings property.
JavaScript |
GetProjectParam( paramName) |
C# |
dynamic GetProjectParam( string paramName) |
C++ |
HRESULT GetProjectParam( BSTR paramName, VARIANT pVal) |
The name of the parameter whose value is being returned.
Return Value
The parameter value.
See: HRESULT Return Values for a list of possible values returned by the HRESULT.
Loads multiple files of different file types into the current project, adding each one as the TerraExplorer object that is the best match for the respective file based on an analysis of the file’s properties as well as other factors. All file types supported in TerraExplorer can be included in the array, and are loaded into the project as follows:
File Type |
How Loaded |
FLY (no project open) |
Project file |
FLY (project already open) |
Project layer |
MPT (no MPT already open) |
Terrain database |
MPT (MPT already open) |
Ignored |
Geo-referenced Layer |
Loaded in correct location on terrain |
Feature Layer |
Loaded with default settings |
Raster Layer: Width & height < 1000px |
Image label |
Raster Layer: Width & height > 1000px, elevation-specific file format |
Elevation layer |
Raster Layer: Width & height > 1000px, not elevation-specific file format |
Imagery layer |
JavaScript |
LoadFiles( FileNamesArray, GroupID) |
C# |
void LoadFiles ( object FileNamesArray, string GroupID = "") |
C++ |
HRESULT LoadFiles ( VARIANT FileNamesArray, BSTR GroupID) |
An array of full path names or URLs of the files to be loaded.
The Project Tree group into which the files should be loaded. If it is set to an empty string, the files are loaded under the root.
See: HRESULT Return Values for a list of possible values returned by the HRESULT.
Opens a Fly file or terrain database. Open passes the user name and password for the terrain database opened. In addition, Open can work in synchronous or asynchronous mode. In synchronous mode the method returns after the file is loaded. In asynchronous mode, the method returns immediately. You can then use ISGWorld.OnLoadFinished to be notified when the file is loaded
JavaScript |
Open( ProjectURL, Asynchronous, User, Password ) |
C# |
void Open( string ProjectURL, bool Asynchronous = false, string User = "", string Password = "") |
C++ |
HRESULT Open( BSTR ProjectURL, VARIANT_BOOL Asynchronous, BSTR User, BSTR Password) |
A full path name or a URL of a Fly file to be loaded by TerraExplorer. You can also load a local terrain database file by using a full path name to an MPT file, or a terrain database from TerraGate by following the format: “TerrainDatabase.Type@TerraGateAddress:PortNumber” (e.g., [email protected]).
When set to TRUE, the method executes asynchronously, meaning returns immediately. When set to FALSE, the method executes synchronously.
File’s security user name. If the file is not secure, the user name is ignored.
Security password for the specified user. If the file is not secure, the password is ignored.
See: HRESULT Return Values for a list of possible values returned by the HRESULT.
Publishes a project and all its layers, resources, and styling to SkylineGlobe Server. Through a single publishing operation, the project is made available to desktop, mobile and TE for Web clients, as well as standard geospatial clients such as WFS/WFS-T/WMS/WMTS/3D Tiles (Cesium).
This method executes asynchronously, i.e., it returns immediately. You can then use ISGWorld.OnPublishFinished to be notified when publishing is complete.
JavaScript |
PublishToSGS ( HideProgressDialog, UseExistingLayers, ConvertModelLayersTo3DML, viewAccess, editAccess, Tag, viewerToken, projectName, UpdateExistingProject) |
C# |
void PublishToSGS ( bool HideProgressDialog = False, bool UseExistingLayers = True, bool ConvertModelLayersTo3DML = True, TerraExplorerX.SGPublishPermission viewAccess = 3, TerraExplorerX.SGPublishPermission editAccess = 3, string Tag = "", string viewerToken = "", string projectName = "", bool UpdateExistingProject = False) |
C++ |
HRESULT PublishToSGS( [in] VARIANT_BOOL HideProgressDialog, [in] VARIANT_BOOL UseExistingLayers, [in] VARIANT_BOOL ConvertModelLayersTo3DML, [in] SGPublishPermission viewAccess, [in] SGPublishPermission editAccess, [in] BSTR Tag, [in] BSTR viewerToken, [in] BSTR projectName, [in] VARIANT_BOOL UpdateExistingProject); |
A Boolean that determines whether to hide the progress dialog that shows the approximate percentage of completion.
A Boolean that determines whether to use existing layers on the server for layers for which a match was found. For more information, see the TerraExplorer User Manual.
A Boolean that determines whether to convert model layers to the optimized, fully textured 3DML format.
An enum that determines the view access for the published project. Users with View access can view and load the project from the Layers page. The following are the possible values:
An enum that determines the edit access for the published project. Edit access adds the ability to load, edit and save changes to the project from TerraExplorer and the browser. The following are the possible values:
Tags, i.e., key words or terms associated with the project file for advanced searches, represented as a semi-colon delimited string. E.g., if the project has three tags, pass "a;b;c" for this parameter, where "a" is the value of the first tag, "b" is the value of the second, and "c" the value of the third.
Viewer token (generated in SkylineGlobe Server Manager) that can be used to grant view access to the project. The token is appended to the project URL that is generated in the publishing process, e.g.,, and it enables a user to directly access SGS project layers that are non-public, without logging in to SGS. See the Access Token property in the "Adding Users and Setting User Properties" chapter of the SkylineGlobe Server User Guide for more information.
Name of project in SkylineGlobe Server.
When republishing a project opened from SkylineGlobe Server, this Boolean determines whether the existing project on the server is updated. Pass FALSE to create a new FLY project. When a project is loaded from SGS, the most updated version is served, unless a different version was selected from SGS Manager. See the SGS User Guide for more information.
See: HRESULT Return Values for a list of possible values returned by the HRESULT.
Saves the current project to a Fly file.
Note: The current project must be a Fly file(. If the current file is an MPT, the method fails.
Not supported by TerraExplorer Viewer
JavaScript |
Save() |
C# |
void Save() |
C++ |
HRESULT Save() |
Saves the current project to a Fly file with a specified name. For security reasons the file is saved to a predefined “Skyline\TerraExplorer” folder in the “Application Data” space of the current user. The full path of the saved file is provided in the method’s return value. You can also use %APPDATA% in Windows Explorer to locate the path on your computer.
Note: If the folder contains a file by the same name, the existing file is overwritten without a prompt.
Note: The Application Data folder path changes between different users and different Windows operating systems. To find the path used by your client look at the %APPDATA% environment variable.
JavaScript |
SaveAs( ProjectFileName) |
C# |
string SaveAs( string ProjectFileName) |
C++ |
HRESULT SaveAs( BSTR ProjectFileName, BSTR * pVal) |
The name for the Fly file. If it is not specified, a FLY extension is added to the file name automatically.
Note: A file name with a full path cannot be used here.
Return Value:
A full path of the Fly file being created.
See: HRESULT Return Values for a list of possible values returned by the HRESULT.
Sets the value of a specified parameter in the Fly file Project Settings. Each parameter is accessed by a unique identification string. This method replaces the deprecated Settings property.
JavaScript |
SetProjectParam( paramName, paramVal) |
C# |
void SetProjectParam( string paramName, object paramVal ) |
C++ |
HRESULT SetProjectParam( BSTR paramName, VARIANT paramVal) |
The name of the parameter whose value is being set.
The parameter value that should be set.
See: HRESULT Return Values for a list of possible values returned by the HRESULT.
The following table describes the supported parameter string values and the respective parameter value options:
paramName |
[In/Out] Type |
pVal |
General |
"StartupMessageID" |
[in, out] long |
Determines the message to be shown when the project is opened. To set startup script use: Project.Settings("StartupMessageID",msgID) To remove the startup script use: Project.Settings("StartupMessageID","") |
“GenerateLevelsOfDetailFor3DModels” |
[in, out] long |
Determines whether all loaded models are automatically optimized by conversion to XPL2 upon loading. |
“DoubleSidedRenderingOf3DModels” |
[in, out] long |
Determines whether the faces of 3D models are rendered from two sides. |
Layout |
"TerraExplorerWindowSize" |
[in, out] safe array of integers |
Determines the size of the TerraExplorer window and containers. To set specific values, pass an array with the following values = [Width, Height, LeftContainerWidth, TopContainerHeight, RightContainerWidth, BottomContainerHeight] Alternatively, set the value as one of the following: § 1 – Capture the current layout. It will be saved in the FLY file the next time the project is saved. § 0 – Restore to default sizes and then capture the layout. It will be saved in the FLY file the next time the project is saved Note: In JavaScript, use the VBArray object, E.g., var windowSize = SGWorld.Project.Settings("TerraExplorerWindowSize"); var arr = new VBArray(windowSize).toArray(); |
Terrain Database |
"ReprojectElevationDefaultSetting" |
[in, out] long |
Determines the default Reproject Elevation setting for 3DML, elevation, and feature layers when they are initially loaded into the project. 1 – TerraExplorer reprojects the layer’s elevation values to the terrain’s coordinate system, if the layer includes vertical datum or is a 3DML created in TerraExplorer 7.1 or PhotoMesh 7.4 or higher. 0 – TerraExplorer does not reproject. Note: Geocentric layers are always reprojected. |
Screen Overlay |
“CopyrightText” |
[in, out] BSTR |
A string description of the copyright text that appears on the 3D Window. |
"RemoveSkylineCopyright" |
[in, out] long |
Determines whether the Skyline copyright text is removed. 1 – removed or 0 – displayed. |
Environment |
"FogColor" |
[in, out] long |
The color of the fog that covers the terrain in hexadecimal form: 0x00bbggrr. |
"SkyColor" |
[in, out] long |
The color of the sky in the hexadecimal form: 0x00bbggrr. |
"VisualRange" |
[in, out] double |
Distance to the horizon, in meters |
"FogStart " |
[in, out] double |
Distance, in meters, at which the fog starts |
"DisplaySun" |
[in, out] long |
Determines whether the sun is used as the light source. 1 – displayed or 0 – hidden. |
"SunAndMoonUseFixedLocalTime " |
[in, out] long |
Determines whether the currently used date and time value is defined in local time (1) or global date and time (0). Note: Changes only take effect after saving and reopening the TerraExplorer project. |
"SunAndMoonFixedLocalTime" |
[in, out] VT_DATE |
Date (Javascript) or DateTime (C#) object that represents the currently used local time. See “Time” for information on valid formats for this parameter. Note: Changes only take effect after saving and reopening the TerraExplorer project. |
"SunAndMoonTime" |
[in, out] VT_DATE |
Date (Javascript) or DateTime (C#) object that represents the currently used global date and time. See “Time” for information on valid formats for this parameter. Note: Changes only take effect after saving and reopening the TerraExplorer project. |
"TimeZoneListXML" |
[out] BSTR |
An XML string that defines the available time zones in the operating system. For example: <SELECT ID="TimeZoneList" SIZE="XX"> <OPTION VALUE ="Alaska Standard Time">(GMT-09:00) Alaska<OPTION> . . . <SELECT> |
"SunAndMoonTimeZoneDisplayName" |
[out] BSTR |
A string description of the currently used time zone, e.g., "(GMT-09:00) Alaska". The string corresponds to the value of the OPTION node in the XML returned from "TimeZoneListXML” |
"SunAndMoonTimeZoneKey" |
[in, out] BSTR |
A string key of the used time zone, e.g., "Alaska Standard Time". The key can be one of the VALUE attributes of an OPTION node in the XML returned from "TimeZoneListXML. Note: Changes only take effect after saving and reopening the TerraExplorer project. |
Navigation |
"AltitudeMinimumAltitude" |
[in, out] double |
Determines the minimum altitude in meters or feet above ground level. |
“AltitudeUndergroundSurface” |
[in, out] double |
Determines the altitude above the terrain database vertical datum base ellipsoid. |
"AltitudeUndergroundSurface" |
[in, out] double |
Determines the altitude above the terrain database vertical datum base ellipsoid. |
"KeyboardAndMouseNavigationSpeed" |
[in, out] double |
Determines the navigation speed when using the keyboard controls and mouse. |
“JoystickNavigationSpeed” |
[in, out] double |
Determines the joystick speed. |