TerraExplorer Pro Elements Supported in TE4W

The TE4W project is created in TerraExplorer Pro by publishing a project to SkylineGlobe Server. The following elements from the TerraExplorer project are generally supported in TE4W:

§  Feature layers

§  Raster layers

§  Mesh layers

§  Point cloud layers

§  Locations

§  Presentations

When using default TE4W settings, the following elements are not supported:

§  Some layers (e.g., CPT without default location).

§  Some advanced styling and configurations for feature layers.

§  Any coordinates besides Lat-Long coordinates.

Note:   Some of these elements may be supported in the TE4W project by having Cesium load the TerraExplorer Web Project. See “Using Cesium KML Parsing” in this chapter for more information.