Setting TerraExplorer for Web Settings

To set TerraExplorer for Web settings:

1.      From the SkylineGlobe Server menu, select Settings. The Settings page is displayed.

2.      In the TerraExplorer for Web Settings section, select the required configuration and click Edit. The TerraExplorer for Web Settings dialog box is displayed.

3.      Modify the settings as required:



Configuration Name

Name of the configuration.

Note:   To use the configuration, append the “?config=[ConfigurationName]” query parameter to the end of the URL (e.g.,

Public URL

URL to open TE4W with this configuration.

Use Custom Authentication

Select the check box to use custom authentication.

Login Mode

Select the method of logging in to your TE4W:

§  Guest or User Login – TE4W opens with guest login. Registered users (i.e., users who were added for your SGS. SeeAdding Users and Setting User Properties” in the “Managing Users” chapter for information) have the option to then log in with their user name and password.

§  Force User Login – Require login before loading TE4W (i.e., no guest login).

§  User/Password Set by Configuration – Assign specific user privileges to the TE4W configuration and automatically log in to TE4W using the user name and password defined for this configuration.

User Name

Type a user name. The user defined for the configuration determines which user TE4W will be logged in under when opening TE4W with this configuration, and thus which layers TE4W can connect to. This field is only available if User/Password Set by Configuration is selected as the Login Mode and Use Custom Authentication is not selected.


Type a password. This field is only available if User/Password Set by Configuration is selected as the Login Mode and if Use Custom Authentication is not selected.

Enable Subdomains/ Type your URL

The use of subdomains is highly recommended as a means of significantly increasing the number of concurrent connections to TerraExplorer for Web permitted by the browser. Since most web browsers only allow six simultaneous requests per domain, this limitation is likely to result in a significant queuing of resources that increases page load time. The creation of subdomains spreads the requests to several domains which are mapped to your server or load-balancer. The number of permitted concurrent connections is directly proportional to your number of subdomains.

Select the check box to enable subdomains, and then type your URL, i.e., protocol (https:// or http://) plus domain name)

Note:   Type only your host name without the path (sg/) at the end, i.e.,


For each subdomain that you want to add, click Add, and then in the new row that is added, type the URL of your subdomain (which is mapped to the same server or load-balancer).

Display Location

Select the check box to display the location coordinates in the TE4W status bar.

Copyright Text

Type the copyright text that you want displayed.

Overlay Path

Type the path to an optional screen overlay, e.g., logo. The overlay file should be in .gif, .png or .jpg format.

Note:    Use an absolute file path or define one relative to the TerraExplorerWeb folder.

Overlay Image

Displays a thumbnail of the selected screen overlay image.

Note:   This setting is only displayed if information was entered in the Overlay Path field.

Overlay Position

Select the position for the screen overlay logo.

Note:   This setting is only displayed if information was entered in the Overlay Path field.

Display Address Search Box

Select the check box to display an address search box.

Display Load Layers Button

Select the check box to display a button to load layers from SGS.

Search Provider URL

If you want a customized search provider, type its details. For additional information contact: [email protected]

Note:    When using a customized search provider “Enable CORS” must be selected on the SkylineGlobe Server Settings page to enable cross-origin resource sharing, allowing requests from pages hosted on domains other than the SGS domain. SeeSetting SkylineGlobe Server Settings” in the “SkylineGlobe Server Settings” chapter for information.

Use Cesium KML Parsing

Select the check box if you want KMLs opened in TE4W to be parsed in the default Cesium way in addition to natively by TE4W.

Allow Editing Attributes

Select the check box to allow editing and saving of layer attribute values for layers that the user has Edit access to.

Disable Fixed Local Time

Select the check box to disable the TE4W behavior of dynamically adjusting the time in every viewer position to the fixed local time.

Ignore Terrain Database Imagery

Select the check box to only use the base terrain’s elevation data. You can then use any imagery layer for the terrain imagery.

WMS Imagery Request Size

Select the tile size for WMS imagery requests from TE4W. The recommended size is 256x256. Larger sizes may cause server-side overload.

Reproject 3DML Elevation Values

Select this option to reproject 3DML geoid elevation values to ellipsoid (as required by the OGC 3D Tiles standard) for compatibility with terrain that uses ellipsoid elevation.

Note that most 3DML and terrain data, including MPT, use geoid elevation values even though they are declared as ellipsoid when delivered to TE4W/Cesium, and thus they are actually compatible without reprojection.

This option should only be selected for terrain providers that use true ellipsoid elevation.

Startup Script

Type a custom JavaScript code to run when opening TE4W with this configuration. The JavaScript code can include access to Cesium API or any of the TE4W API objects. E.g.,{

destination: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(-117.16, 32.71, 15000.0)

See the "TE4W API" chapter for information.

4.      Click Save.