About Working with Sites

SkylineGlobe Server supports the hosting of multiple virtual servers ("sites") on a single server. These virtual sites provide complete separation between customer layers and allow management and administration of the sites by the customer's admin users. Each site is distinct and separate, with its own data sources, layers, groups/users, settings, aliases, TerraExplorer Fusion configurations, statistics, site administrator, etc.

Site Administrators can perform SGS management and configuration activities for their own site, while Super Administrators can log in to SGS Manager to any of the server's sites to perform SGS management and configuration activities, including management of all the server's data sources, layers, groups/users, settings, and cross-site operations, e.g., setting cross-site aliases and permissions. The required site must be selected before performing the management activities for the specific site. See "Managing a Site in SGS Manager" in this chapter for information.

General site management, i.e., addition, deletion and editing properties of a server's sites is performed from the SGS Manager Sites page, only by Super Administrators. The Sites page is not displayed for other users. See "Adding Users and Setting User Properties" in the "Managing Users" chapter for information.

Adding Sites

Upon creating a new site, a new data source, group, and default site administrator user are also automatically created for this site. Any new site inherits the layer categories assigned to the default site. See "Using Layer Categories" in the "Working with Layers" chapter for more information.

To add a new site:

1.      From the SkylineGlobe Server Manager menu, select Sites. The Sites page is displayed.

2.      Click Add. The Add New Site dialog is displayed.

Add New Site Dialog

3.      Enter the following information:




Site name.

Note:   The name of a site cannot include a reserved name, e.g., "b3dm", "telayers", "telayersparent".


Free text description of the site.

Default Site

Select the check box to set this site as the server's default site, i.e. the site that clients connect to when the public URL is used without specifying a site. E.g., the URL https://cloud.skylineglobe.com/SG will open https://cloud.skylineglobe.com/SG/MyDefaultSite.

Note:   This setting overrides any previous sites selected as the default.


Select if the site should be currently active.

Note:   A site cannot be set to inactive if the currently logged-in user belongs to this site.

Expiration Date

Expiration date of site.

Note:   A site cannot be set to expired if the currently logged-in user belongs to this group.

Storage Used

GB of storage already in use by this site. Click Refresh to refresh this information.

Max Storage

Set the limit on storage for this site. The number entered must be lower than the server's Max Storage defined in the SGS license.

Max Active Sessions

Select the check box to set a limit on the number of concurrent clients for this site, and then enter a number lower than the "Max Active Sessions" set for the server (defined in each SGS license). See "Monitoring Servers and Services" in the "Monitoring SkylineGlobe Server" chapter for information.

TerraExplorer Fusion

Select the version of TerraExplorer Fusion that should run when opening a project saved to this site:

§  Viewer – Basic TerraExplorer Fusion application

§  Plus – Adds greater functionality, including additional analysis tools, ability to load layers from SGS, and publish content to SGS.

4.      Click Add. Upon creating a new site, a new data source, group, and default site administrator user are also automatically created for this site. A default user name and password are created automatically for the default site administrator based on the site name, as follows: "[SiteName]SiteAdmin". For example, if the site name is "SiteOne", the default user name and password created are "SiteOneSiteAdmin". The password should be changed in the User Properties dialog after logging in for the first time. See "Logging In" in the "Getting Started" chapter and "Adding Users and Setting User Properties" in the "Managing Users" chapter for information.

Searching for Sites

To search for a site whose property information contains a specific string (e.g., Description, Public URL), do the following:

1.      From the SkylineGlobe Server Manager menu, select Sites. The Sites page is displayed.

2.      In the Search String field, type a search string or enter an attribute, condition, and value and click Insert String . The search expression is displayed in the Search string field.

3.    If you want to include additional strings in your search expression, select a connector:  and OR or, and repeat step a for the next condition.

4.      Click Search. Your search results are displayed in the search results list at the bottom of the page.

Editing Sites

To edit site properties:

1.      From the SkylineGlobe Server Manager menu, select Sites. The Sites page is displayed.

2.      Select the site you want to edit, and click Properties. The Site Properties dialog is displayed.

3.      Modify the properties as required. See "Adding Sites" in this chapter for information.

4.      Click Save.

Deleting Sites

To delete a site:

1.      From the SkylineGlobe Server Manager menu, select Sites. The Sites page is displayed.

2.      Select the site you want to delete, and click Delete. The site is deleted.

Note:       The default site and the site currently being managed cannot be deleted.

Managing a Site in SGS Manager

Super administrators can open a server's public URL without specifying a site, e.g., https://cloud.skylineglobe.com/sg, and then select a site to manage in SGS Manager.

To select the site to manage in SGS Manager:

1.      From the SkylineGlobe Server Manager menu, select Sites. The Sites page is displayed.

2.      Select the site you want to manage, and click Manage This Site. This site's information is displayed in SGS Manager.

§  You can also append the site name to the server's public URL, e.g. https://cloud.skylineglobe.com/sg/SiteOne. SGS Manager directly opens showing the specific site's information in SGS Manager.

Logging In to a Specific Site from TerraExplorer Desktop

To log in to a specific SGS site:

§  Enter the server's public URL with the site name appended, e.g., https://cloud.skylineglobe.com/sg/Demos. If no site is specified, TerraExplorer connects to the default server site.

Connecting to a Specific Site from TerraExplorer Fusion

To connect to a specific server site:

§  Enter the TEF Public URL including the server site in your browser, e.g., https://cloud.skylineglobe.com/sg/Demos/TEF/te.html?project=https://cloud.skylineglobe.com/SG/demos/projects/Mexico_Beach_Emergency_Response