Setting Snapping Options

You can set how a node or object snaps to other objects.

To set snapping options:

1.     Select a single object for editing. See the “Selecting Objects for Editing” section in this chapter for further information.

2.     On the top bar of the object’s property sheet, click Set Snapping Options .

3.     Toggle on any of the following options:

§  Node Snapping (5) – Snap object or node to nodes of other objects or features.

§  Line Segment Snapping (6)– Snap object or node to line segments of other objects or features.

§  3D Snapping (7)– Smart snap object or node to dynamically-identified edges and corners of any element in the 3D World.

§  Directional Snapping (8) – Constrain the object line segments currently being drawn to pre-defined angle increments. The angle constraint can be relative either to the previous line segment drawn in the same object or to a line segment in another object.

§  Segment Distance on Edit (9) – Show segment lengths while editing a polygon/polyline.

Note:        Snapping options can be combined, with priority based on their order in the Snapping options list.