
The Multi-Edit property sheet includes a set of common parameters for the objects multi-selected from either the Project Tree or from the 3D Window). Some of the parameters only affect objects from a specific type (i.e., parameters that affect only text labels) whereas others affect all of the objects in the selection. Each change in one of the properties updates all the objects to which this property applies.

Only parameters that are relevant to at least one object in the selected group are displayed in the Multi-Edit property sheet. If all the selected objects have one or more parameters with the same values, these values are displayed.

To open the Multi-Edit property sheet, right-click one of the multi-selected objects, and then from the shortcut menu, select Properties.

The parameters in the Multi-Edit property sheet are divided into eight groups:




Visible appearance parameters relevant to all objects.

Line Style

Line style parameters relevant to all objects.


Allows you to change the location of the objects.

Set the offset of the X, Y and Altitude from the current location of each object.

Note:    The delta values are relative to the object’s locations at the time the Multi-Edit property sheet was opened. For example, if you set the delta X to 10 meters and afterward to 20 meters, all objects move 20 meters from their location at the time you opened the property sheet.


General parameters relevant to all objects.

Label Options

Label appearance parameters.

This group is relevant to text and image labels.

Label Geometry

Label sizes and geometry parameters.

This group is relevant to text and image labels.

Label Alignment

Label alignment parameters.

This group is relevant to text and image labels.

3D Model

Parameters that are relevant to 3D model objects (static and dynamic).

Dynamic Objects

Parameters relevant to dynamic objects.


Parameters relevant to objects with textures.


Parameters relevant to building objects.