Creating a New .FLY Project

To create a new .FLY project:

From the File menu filemenu.gif, select New (Ctrl +N). The Open Terrain Database dialog is displayed.

1.     Enter the name of the local or remote MPT database, or browse to the required local database. SeeOpening a Remote Database (MPT or DirectConnect Project) from SkylineGlobe Server” in this chapter for information.

2.     If you instead want to open a low resolution MPT included in the installation folder, type: “%localterrain%”.

3.     Click OK.

Opening a Remote Database (MPT or DirectConnect Project)

A remote database is an MPT file or a TerraBuilder DirectConnect project (TBP) published to a SkylineGlobe server.

To open an MPT/TBP file from a SkylineGlobe server:

§  Use: <Layer Name>@<SkylineGlobe Server URL>:<Port Number>/SG
(e.g., [email protected]/SG)

Note:        The Port Number is only required when not using the default port 80.

Note:        When opening an MPT or TBP file from a SkylineGlobe server (that is configured to use SSL) over a secure connection (SSL), use <Layer Name>@<SkylineGlobe Server URL>:<Port Number>$/SG

To open an MPT/TBP file from a legacy TerraGate server:

§  Use: <Layer Name>@<name of the TerraGate server or IP address