Creating a C# Client Application

Follow these steps to create a C# client application using the _3DMLCreator interface:

Note:    This application may fail when starting it in Debug or Release mode directly from Virtual Studio, but will run successfully if running the built executable (.exe) file.

1.       Set Project References – From the Project menu, select Add Reference. Select the Browse tab and locate \x64\3DML.Api.dll under the TerraExplorer folder.

Note:    Your executable must be placed next to the 3DML.Api.dll in the TerraExplorer folder or the entire x64 folder should be copied to the location of your executable.

2.       Add the following to the application configuration (app.config) file under <configuration>:

<?xml version="1.0"?>


  <startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">

     <supportedRuntime version="v2.0.50727"/>

        <supportedRuntime version="v4.0"/>   



3.       Add Using directive – To access types in the _3DML.Api namespace.

using _3DML.Api;

4.       Define Variable for _3DMLCreator Object – Declare a _3DMLCreator variable.

private _3DMLCreator threeDmlCreator;

5.       Create 3DMLCreator Object – Use new to reference the variable to the 3DMLCreator object.

threeDmlCreator = new _3DMLCreator();

6.       Access the main interfaces – Using this object you can access all of the interface's properties, methods, and events.