ActiveX Controls – Main Interfaces

TerraExplorer provides the ability to embed the 3D Window, the Information Window (Project Tree), and external 3D windows as ActiveX components, in your custom application GUI or in a web page (Legacy Internet Explorer only).

The following are the main available ActiveX controls and related event interfaces.

§   ITE3DWindow – Provides access to the 3D Window ActiveX control and keyboard override.

§   _ITE3DWindowEvents – Allows the client to get keyboard notifications, and manage them.

§   ITEInformationWindow – Provides access to the Information Window ActiveX control.

§   ITE3DWindowEx – Provides access to the external 3D Window Active X controls and allows creating SGWorld objects from them.   

§   ITEInformationWindowEx – Provides access to the Information Window  control for an attached 3DWindowEx control.  

SeeActiveX Controls” chapter for further information on using the ActiveX objects and related interfaces.