IMG Plug-in
There are two IMG plug-ins: Gdal IMG (*.img) and Erdas Imagine (*.img). When you add an .img file to a TerraBuilder project without selecting a file type, TerraBuilder select which of these plug-ins to use. If you want to choose which plug-in TerraBuilder will use, you must select it in the Files of type field. The Erdas Imagine plug-in should be selected when you want to select bands, equalize data, load as monochrome, or force full Mip map creation.
To import an IMG format file using the Erdas Imagine plug-in:
1. Add a source from file, selecting Erdas Imagine (*.img) as the file type. See “Insert Layer from File” in this chapter for more information. The Img Format dialog box opens.
Img Format Dialog Box
2. If the source file color-space does not use the full 0 -255 levels, TerraBuilder can extrapolate the file to use 256 levels, thus improving the appearance of the image. If you want to increase the color-space to 256 levels, select Equalize Data.
3. If all three layers are the same, or if there is only one layer, adopt the color of the background layers. If you want the source file to be in color, select the Monochrome check box. Clear the check box if you want the source file to be in black and white.
4. If you want to force TerraBuilder to create a new pyramid file even if the IMG source files already contains a pyramid, select the Force Full MIP Map Creation check box.