Loading Layers in Cesium Clients Using Cesium API

Cesium clients can load mesh, point cloud, and imagery layers from SkylineGlobe Server using Cesium API. SGS exposes 3DML mesh and point cloud data as 3D Tiles for access by Cesium clients, while storing only the original data format on the server. Imagery layers are served as WMS.


§  The 3D Tiles version is determined by the Default 3D Tiles Version setting on the Settings page unless it is explicitly defined by a 3DML’s b3dmversion tag (see below). SeeSetting SkylineGlobe Server Settings” in the “SkylineGlobe Server Settings” chapter for more information.

§  The connection to SkylineGlobe Server is a Guest connection, so only publicly shared layers, i.e., layers whose permission level was set to "Everyone", can be loaded. See "Granting Edit or View Access" in the "Working with Layers" chapter for more information.

§  Elevation layers can be loaded using Skyline's SGSProvider. See "Loading Layers in Cesium Clients Using Skyline's SGSProvider" in this chapter for information.