Set Display of the 3D Window

 Display settings for the 3D Window are configured from the Settings dialog and from the Environment tab in the Analysis Tools panel.

1.      Set any of the following display settings from the side toolbar >  Settings tab:

§   Quality - Select the level of resolution and detail of the display:

·          Normal provides standard resolution.

·          Best – FHD delivers excellent detail at Full HD resolution, for high-definition displays.

·          Best-4K provides the highest level of detail with 4K resolution, ideal for ultra-high-definition displays.

§   Units – Under View > Units, select the following:

·          Altitude and distance units.

·          Altitude reference method to be used for objects and layers:

·          Above Ground - Places objects and layers at the specified altitude above the ground.

·          Above Sea Level - Places objects and layers at the specified altitude above the average sea level.

·          MGRS Coordinates - Switch this option on to box to display Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) coordinates in the status bar and Information Query results. 

§   View of Map Elements – Under View > View, set the following:

·          Navigation Controls - Switch this option on to show basic controls (zoom adjustment and turning North).

·          Center Sign - Switch this option on to show the 3D Window center point.

·          Status Bar - Switch this option on to show the status bar that displays the coordinates and altitude of the pointer or viewer location as text lines on the bottom of the 3D Window.  Click the coordinate values to open a Search dialog, in which you can enter any coordinates to jump to their location.

§   Graphics Enhancements – Under Graphics, set the following:

·          Depth Perception - Switch this option on to highlight depth changes in the 3D model to make it easier to recognize the model’s contours and shape. This can be especially useful for an untextured model or point cloud without colors.

·          Saturation - Drag the slider to adjust the vibrancy of the colors of the entire 3D view. The color saturation enhancement affects the terrain and all 2D and 3D objects.

·          Brightness - Drag the slider to adjust the light intensity of the entire 3D view.

·          Contrast - Drag the slider to adjust the distinction between lighter and darker areas of the entire 3D view.

·          Gamma - Drag the slider to adjust the gamma of the entire 3D view.

·          Reset to Default - Click to restore the default Post Effects settings.

·          Global Shadow -  Click to select a shadow color. The global shadow is turned on from the side toolbar >  > Environment tab. See below.

2.      Set the following display settings from the side toolbar >  > Environment tab:

§   Environmental Controls 

·          Turn the sun on/off - When this option is toggled on, the sun serves as the light source for the project. This results in parts of the 3D World being brighter than others based on the time set.

·          Turn the global shadow on/off - When this option is toggled on, shadows are cast for all buildings and 3D models in the 3D Window. Note that turning the global shadow on automatically also turns the sun on.

·          Turn on dynamic clouds

·          Set the project current time - Slide the slider to set the time.

·          Set fog intensity – Slide the slider to adjust.