Publishing New and Updated Layers from a Server-Side Data Source

New or updated layers can be published to the server by scanning/rescanning their data source. SkylineGlobe Server scans the data folder or database and allows you to select which of its layers to publish.

To publish a new or updated layer from a server-side data source:

1.     If the layer’s data source was not yet added, add the data source. See "Adding Data Sources" in the "Working with Data Sources" chapter for information.

2.     If the data source was already added, edit the data source. See "Editing Data Sources" in the "Working with Data Sources" chapter for information.

3.     When setting the data source properties, note that the View Access and Edit Access set will determine the view and edit access for the layer(s) you are publishing or republishing (with your changes).

4.     Click Scan Now.

Note:        An owner must be assigned to the data source before it is scanned. Only an owner or administrator can modify layer properties.

5.     The data source is automatically scanned and the Scan Results are displayed with a list of all files found in the data source and the following layer information:




Layer type.


Layer status:

§  Existing – Previously scanned layer that was not modified.

§  Updated – Previously scanned layer that was updated.

§  New – New layer in the data source.

§  Deleted – Previously scanned layer that was deleted.

Note:    The layer’s ID on the Layer list does not change when a layer is rescanned even if updates were made to the layer.


Layer name.

Relative Path

Location of the layer file. The path is relative to the layer’s data folder.

View Access

The view permission level for this layer, i.e., the users that have been granted view access (None, Only Me, My Group, Everyone, or Selected List).

Users with valid view access for a layer can list, view and load the layer (opened from TerraExplorer Desktop, TerraExplorer Fusion, WFS/WMS clients, etc.).

If you want to grant access to selected groups, see "Granting Edit or View Access to Selected Groups" in this chapter for information.

Edit Access

The edit permission level for this layer, i.e., the users that have been granted edit access (None, Only Me, My Group, Everyone, or Selected List). In addition to loading the layer, users with edit access can also perform layer transactions from TerraExplorer Pro and any WFS-T client.

If you want to grant access to selected groups, see "Granting Edit or View Access to Selected Groups" in this chapter for information.

Note:    Only the owner and the administrator can modify layer properties.


Layer size.

6.     The leftmost column of the Results table displays the default and recommended action for each of the layers, which directly correlates to the layer’s status:

§  No marking – Do not update the SkylineGlobe layers with this change (for previously scanned layers that were not modified).

§  P – Publish/update layer to SkylineGlobe Server (for new and updated layers).

§  X – Delete the SkylineGlobe layer (for deleted layers).

7.     Modify the default actions as required, and click OK.

Note:        All property changes that you made will be applied to all selected layers.