Migrating TerraGate/SFS to SkylineGlobe Server

Migration from TerraGate and SFS to SkylineGlobe Server is performed by importing configuration files from TerraGate and SFS to SkylineGlobe Server Manager. All data sources defined in these files are automatically scanned, and their layers added to SkylineGlobe Server.

In addition to migration, there are also techniques to enable SGS to handle requests that were previously handled by TerraGate and SFS. This rerouting of requests entails the following additional steps:

§  Binding of the IIS site where SkylineGlobe is installed to the same IP’s and ports that TerraGate was previously bound to and unbinding of TerraGate from them.

§  Configuration of the URL Rewrite to reroute requests.


To migrate from TerraGate/SFS to SGS:

1.     Export configuration files from the TerraGate and SFS Managers. In SFS, this is performed from the Settings page and in TerraGate, from the File menu>Export Settings. See TerraGate User Manual for more information.

2.     From the SkylineGlobe Server menu, select Settings. The Settings page is displayed.

3.     In the Import from TG/SFS section, click Import. The Import to SkylineGlobe dialog is displayed.

4.     Select the Import Source.

5.     Browse to the Input File.

6.     Type the security token.

Note:        This field is only available when importing from SFS.

7.     Click Import.

Note:    When importing from TerraGate, an alias is added to each layer with the file name to allow backwards compatibility with the TerraGate naming convention. No TerraGate settings (including TerraGate aliases) are imported.

Note:    When importing from SFS, all layers from the imported data sources are added to SGS with the same configuration.

Enabling SGS to Handle Old Requests from TerraGate and SFS

To enable SGS to handle requests that were previously handled by TerraGate, the following must be performed:

§  Binding of the IIS site where SkylineGlobe is installed to the same IP’s and ports that TerraGate was previously bound to and unbinding of TerraGate from these IP’s and ports.

§  Configuration of the IIS feature "URL Rewrite" to reroute all SFS and TG requests to SGS.

Configuring Site Bindings for Rerouting from TerraGate

To bind the IIS site where SkylineGlobe is installed to the same IP’s and ports that TerraGate was previously bound:

1.     Open IIS Manager, and in the Connections pane, select a site.

2.     In the Actions pane, select Bindings. The Site Bindings dialog is displayed.

Site Bindings

3.     For each IP and port that TerraGate was previously bound to, do the following:

a.     Click Add. The Add Site Binding dialog is displayed.

Add Site Binding

b.     Enter the IP address and Port, and click OK.

Configuring URL Rewrite to Reroute Requests

SkylineGlobe Server installation automatically adds an IIS feature called URL Rewrite and configures it to reroute all SFS and TG requests to SGS. For standard TG/SFS configuration, no additional changes are required though it is recommended to verify that the URL Rewrite is working and review the rewrite conditions. If, however, the SFS/TG server had special configurations, e.g., your SFS application name was SFS2, the URL Rewrite conditions must be updated.

To configure URL Rewrite to reroute requests:

1.     Open the website’s IIS Manager and select the site, and then in the Actions pane, double-click URL Rewrite. The URL Rewrite dialog is displayed.

2.     Review all rewrite conditions to verify they match your SFS/TG server configurations.

3.     Set the same application pool for both your website and SkylineGlobe Server.

Note:        You will require a known server configuration database security token to enable the new application pool user to connect to the database. If you do not know the token, you can generate one from the Settings page in SGS Manager. See "Setting SkylineGlobe Server Settings" in the "SkylineGlobe Server Settings" chapter for information.

4.     If the same application pool cannot be used, edit the inbound rules under the URL Rewrite module in IIS Manger to change the action from Rewrite to Redirect.

Note:        Changing Rewrite to Redirect results in in a performance penalty, and therefore should be avoided whenever possible.

5.     Uninstall SFS.